Michael L. Love
proclus@gnu-darwin.org, 443-824-3451
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
725 N. Wolfe Street, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine Baltimore, MD 21205-2185 

Current position:

Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; X-ray laboratory manager and systems administrator; March 2004 - present
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Director; Mario Amzel


Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; Postdoctoral Associate; August 2000 - March 2004
Department; Molecular Biology and Genetics/MacCHESS
Lab Advisor; Quan Hao

Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts; Ph.D.; May 2000
Program; Biochemistry
Thesis Advisor; Carolyn Cohen
Thesis Title; Troponin C - the calcium switch: Interactions of TnC with TnI and their role in thin filament regulation

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; B.S.; 1992
Program; Molecular Biology
Lab Advisor; Thomas J. Smith
Honors Research Advisor; John E. Johnson
Thesis Title; Isolation of empty cow pea mosaic virus capsids for electron microscopy

Research Experience and Skills:

2000-present Exceptional ongoing support for crystallographic stations on synchrotron beamlines and X-ray facilities; Experimental, maintenance, facility and user support, MAR345, R-AXIS IV image plates, Saturn944+, Quantum 4 and 210 CCDs, practical data acquisition and processing mastery

Supercomputing cluster installation, maintenance, facility management and user support; Extensive multiple cluster and beowolf administration experience including PBS queue systems, parallel networking, physical upgrades, gigabit network clusters, terabyte arrays, RAID5, RAID10, mirror disks, and network attached storage

1992-present Protein crystallographic techniques; crystallization, data collection including extensive synchrotron experience at CHESS and BNL, MAD, SAD, SIR, MIR, MR, NCS and multi-crystal averaging, crystallographic refinement and structural analysis

Crystallographic equipment installation, maintenance, training and support proficiency; Elliot and Rigaku x-ray generators, Saturn944+ and various other CCDs, R-AXIS and MAR image plates, Supper, Yale, and Osmic mirrors, microfocus and cryocrystallography systems

Crystallographic computing and molecular graphics mastery including installation, administration, and support; CCP4, APBS, AmoRe, ARP, CNS_solve, DENZO, DM, DPS, Gimp, ImageMagick, MAID, Molscript, MOSFLM, O, POVray, Povscript, PyMOL, Rasmol, Raster3D, Refmac, Scala, SCALEPACK, Strategy, XDS and X-PLOR

Programming languages, database, and computer operating systems including installation, networking, maintainance, and user training proficiency; Awk, C, C++, Csh, CGI, Darwin, Debian, FedoraCore, FreeBSD, Fortran, HTML, GNU/Linux, Mac OS, SQL, Perl, Php, Python, SHTML and Unix

1990-1992 Biochemical techniques; SDS-PAGE and native gels, western blot, silver and coomassie blue staining procedures, ELISA, protein extraction, purification including liquid chromatography with the FPLC, and density/viscosity gradient centrifugation

Technical Experience:
2008-present Molecules@GNU-Darwin.org; founder, lead developer, webmaster
The Molecules website contains millions of small molecule structure files in pdb format, and molecular graphics representations. In the spirit of free software, open source, and public access, these formats can be accessed using common FOSS software, such as ImageMagick, RasMol and PyMOL. Development is ongoing, molecules.gnu-darwin.org.

2004-present ProgPorts; project administrator, developer
An administrative and easy user interface to hundreds of proteomics, molecular dynamics, and protein crystallography programs. ProgPorts is an hybrid of the prog/setup system, developed at Johns Hopkins University, and GNU-Darwin ports system.

2001-present OpenBSD secure firewall design and maintenance proficiency;
PF, IPF, NAT, NMAP, PGP, SSH including agents and tunneling, src, ports

2001-present The Darwin Collection; editor
This encyclopedic software collection finally brings the world of free Unix software to Mac OS.

2000-present The GNU-Darwin Distribution; founder, lead developer
A Unix OS distribution ongoingly supporting and advancing supercomputing and an alternative user interface for Apple and other computer workstations, www.gnu-darwin.org.

1998-present Supper Mirror Consultant
Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, Massachusetts
Science Applications International Corporation, Frederick, Maryland

1997-present Physical Chemistry Consultant
ACT Medical, Newton, Massachusetts


1. Houdusse A, Love ML , Dominguez R, Grabarek Z, CohenC.: Structures of four Ca2+-bound troponin C at 2.0 A resolution: further insights into the Ca2+-switch in the calmodulin superfamily. Structure. 1997 5:1695-711.

2. Li Y, Love ML , Putkey JA, Cohen, C.: Bepridil opens the regulatory N-terminal lobe of cardiac troponin C. PNAS 2000 97:5140-5145.

3. Love ML, Szebenyi DME, Kriksunov IA, Thiel DJ, Munshi C, Graeff R, Lee HC, Hao Q: ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase: Crystal Structures Reveal a Covalent Intermediate . 2004 (in press).

4. Love ML.: Parallel methods for protein crystallographic science (work in progress).

Additional Experience:

1983-1990 ATSCO Products Inc., Phoenix, Arizona; Expertise in all aspects of hydraulic systems remanufacture, Recognized for technical contributions including quality control improvements, operational and retooling design


1981-1983 Missionary work; Philadelphia, PA.

1977-1983 Military training; Coast Guard Reserve; Graduated with distinction; Yorktown Training Center.
