Subject: [Fwd: proclus' server] Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:23:18 -0500 From: proclus If you want to join the discussion, just click here..
Back up to Mutant's HomeTo: proclus Subject: proclus' server Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:05:11 -0500 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Gaia , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , I see that someone (one of you, I hope ;-) was trying to access gods.html. I've had to make my server a little more secure. You will need to get access by typing user: geek, password: indulgence. Here's the link again. Also, don't forget that you need to select "reply all", if you want your comments to go out to the whole list. Otherwise, your replies just go to the originator of the message. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus' realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 13:58:15 -0500 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Subject: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:23:02 -0500 From: proclus To: proclus Subject: Re: recent radical stuff Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:02:42 -0800 (PST) From: Gaia D To: proclus RE: TARGETING ABUSIVE POLYGAMISTS PROCLUS: What a travesty, fighting a human right in the name of human rights. ... I think that the fathers are weeping. We have sadly lost the promises. GAIA_D: I understand your concern, but the truth is that spouse and child abuse are *major* problems among male-dominated, fundamentalist households. There are MANY men practicing polygyny who are FAR from being the kind of patriarchs which JS had in mind when he instituted polygamy. Unless a man makes a very concerted effort to remain humble, abuse absolutely *thrives* in the closed-in-on-itself, incestuous atmosphere of fundamentalism, where each man is encouraged to think of himself as God's mouthpiece. There are *many* stories of young girls under 14, being forced to accept old men (to whom they may be related in the closed social polygamous groups) as husbands. Once they are married at such young ages, they have little or no experience as independent, autonomous beings and it is nearly imppossible for them to get out of bad situations. The article stressed the fact that the authorities do not intend to target polygamists per se, only those who may be guilty of abuse. In light of this, it may be a very great blessing to many women and children. Gaia_D __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. Subject: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 13:58:41 -0500 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: recent radical stuff]] Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 19:37:48 -0500 From: proclus To: proclus Subject: Re: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 10:36:18 -0800 (PST) From: Gaia D To: proclus PROCLUS: We don't say that marriage or fatherhood is evil, just because there are evil fathers. GAIA: Very true. Such men maybe should have been investigated for child or spousalabuse, not for polygamy. It is unconstitutional and offensive to human rights to pursue polygamy charges at all. GAIA: That's what i understood the article to be saying, actually. ;-> PROCLUS: I have already "committed" polygamy in my heart ;=}... get me to the sealing room, the mirrored bridal chamber! GAIA: Heheheh.....know wha'cha mean! Hey, ENORMOUS congrats on your dissertation! What is it on? And yes, i'd be happy to have this exchange on the list, if you think it's appropriate. Great to "talk" with you - Gaia -- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. Subject: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 13:59:00 -0500 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Subject: Re: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 20:25:59 -0500 From: proclus To: Gaia D , proclus References: 1 > PROCLUS: > What a travesty, fighting a human right in the > name of human rights. ... I think that the fathers are > weeping. We have sadly lost the promises. > > GAIA_D: > I understand your concern, but the truth is that > spouse and child abuse are *major* problems among > male-dominated, fundamentalist households. > There are MANY men practicing polygyny who are FAR > from being the kind of patriarchs which JS had in mind > when he instituted polygamy. In my limited experience, I would say that you are right here. Nonetheless, polygamy is a human and religious right. There is no worthiness tests for it in the vast majority of polygamous societies. We don't say that marriage or fatherhood is evil, just because there are evil fathers. > There are *many* > stories of young girls under 14, being forced to > accept old men (to whom they may be related in the > closed social polygamous groups) as husbands. > Once they are married at such young ages, they have > little or no experience as independent, autonomous > beings and it is nearly imppossible for them to get > out of bad situations. Gaia, thanks so much for pointing this out. These days I'm a cloistered cranky intellectual. I had almost forgotten about some young ladies that I once knew who faced just this kind of situation and much worse. It was very sad and tragic indeed. Such men maybe should have been investigated for child or spousal abuse, not for polygamy. It is unconstitutional and offensive to human rights to pursue polygamy charges at all. > The article stressed the fact that the authorities do > not intend to target polygamists per se, only those > who may be guilty of abuse. In light of this, it may > be a very great blessing to many women and children. I hope that you are right in this. I'm sorry that I don't have the time to double check, with my dissertation preparations and all. It is my recollection that the articles were very prejudicial towards polygamy, per se. Such predjudice would receive my strongest objection. I am just three generations from beautiful, righteous polygamy. I seek the blessings of the fathers, and I will not betray my heretage. I have already "committed" polygamy in my heart ;=}... get me to the sealing room, the mirrored bridal chamber! Warmest Regards, proclus BTW, Perhaps you intended this to be forwarded to the whole list; that is OK with me. If so, just forward it along or let me know, and I will. Otherwise, that's OK too ;-}. -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Re: [Fwd: recent radical stuff] Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:08:39 -0500 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , References: 1 proclus wrote: > Such men maybe should have been investigated for child > or spousalabuse, not for polygamy. It is > unconstitutional and offensive to human rights > to pursue polygamy charges at all. > > GAIA: > That's what i understood the article to be saying, > actually. ;-> Ah good. What a relief! > PROCLUS: > I have already "committed" polygamy in my heart > ;=}... get me to the sealing room, the mirrored > bridal chamber! > > GAIA: > Heheheh.....know wha'cha mean! (proclus grinz) > Hey, ENORMOUS congrats on your dissertation! What is > it on? I'm studying skeletal and heart muscle regulation. We have described the structural basis of the Ca2+ switch, at least in part. That is what turns on the muscle. I am pretty excited, becuause this will really turn the wheels, stir the pot as it were, especially in drug development. Ahh, it's "top secret" stuff for now, but my prospects appear to be very good. That is why I am sooo swamped right now. Thanks for asking. > And yes, i'd be happy to have this exchange on the > list, if you think it's appropriate. > Great to "talk" with you - > Gaia Then, Here it is; yes and very nice indeed! Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Prop. 22 Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 20:34:31 PST From: "rpc man" To:,,,,,, JSWICK@MINDSPRING.COM,,,,,,,,, I haven't posted in years but thought I'd send this along in light of the fact that the election is about 48 hours away. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at Subject: Quinn responds to the Tanners Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:23:27 -0500 From: proclus
To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Gaia D THAT was a fabulous read. Is this for real? Regards, proclus Subject: [Fwd: Radical Mormon channel] Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 23:11:52 -0500 From: proclus To: Subject: Radical Mormon channel Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 22:58:56 -0500 From: proclus To: (wide field broadcast) OK, now you can add The Radical Mormon channel to your MyNetscape page! Here's the link. Enjoy! If you are into this wonderful syndication stuff, we should talk. Here is the address of the XML file, and a nice example of the html that can be generated from it. radical.rss Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus' realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Incarnations of Joseph Smith Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:36:59 -0800 From: "Enoch Theos" To: "proclus" , "Andy Mcguire" , "ArtdeHoyos" , "Beth any" , "Dave" , "Enoch Shemna" , "Joe Steve Swick III" , "Kathleen McGuire" , "Ken Shaw" , "Kerry Shirts" , , "R. Trent Reynolds" , "Randall Shortridge" , "Robert R. Black" , "rpc man" , Hello mutants, I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any of the other incarnations of Joseph Smith Jr., I think it may have been this list where I read that Joseph Smith was Merlin and helped gather the round table, like he gathered the quorum of the 50. I was also told in revelation once that Joseph Smith Jr. was also Joseph, the earthly father of Jesheuwa (Jesus Christ) I was told by a medium that St. Germain works with me and that he calls me Enoch, Joseph Smith appeared to me years ago and told me my name was Enoch. As I was doing some research on the past incarnations of St. Germain I saw that he was Merlin and Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Enoch Theos Subject: Re: Incarnations of Joseph Smith Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 12:29:52 -0500 From: Randall Shortridge Organization: State University of New York To: CC: proclus , Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts ,, "R. Trent Reynolds" , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Gaia D References: 1 There is a lot of St. Germain stuff that comes out of the "I AM" movement that originated on MT. Shasta (1930's). There were a number of groups that eventually came out from them, one being the Church Universal Triumphant (CUT) which was founded by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in the late 1950's. CUT now has its headquarters in Montana and I understand that it is struggling right now. Mark Prophet died a long time ago and Elizabeth Prophet has a nervous disorder that affects her memory. One can search the web and get quite a bit of info on CUT and other groups that arose out of the "I AM" movement. Anyway, in the CUT books (eg. the Lost Teachings of Jesus), they say that St. Germain was also incarnated as: Samuel the Prophet (of the OT) Joseph, the husband of Mary and father of Jesus Christopher Columbus Francis Bacon (who is thought by some to be the real Shakesphere) St. Germain (achieved ascension) but, may have come back later as the son of Prince Rakoczy II They also maintain that St. Germain works with many individuals now as an ascended master. No mention of JS or that St. Germain is embodied at the present time in any of the "I AM" movement writings. Randall Enoch Theos wrote: > > Hello mutants, > > I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any of the other incarnations > of Joseph Smith Jr., I think it may have been this list where I read that > Joseph Smith was Merlin and helped gather the round table, like he gathered > the quorum of the 50. > > I was also told in revelation once that Joseph Smith Jr. was also Joseph, > the earthly father of Jesheuwa (Jesus Christ) > > I was told by a medium that St. Germain works with me and that he calls me > Enoch, Joseph Smith appeared to me years ago and told me my name was Enoch. > As I was doing some research on the past incarnations of St. Germain I saw > that he was Merlin and Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. > > Enoch Theos Subject: corporatization v. the pearl Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 22:50:54 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Gaia D Hail Mutants! I'm taking a little break from my thesis to hammer out a new story for the Radical. Let me know what you think, and please feel free to add your thoughts to the discussion area, if you like. Be anonymous, or not, if you choose. Conference Center is a watershed The Church has some high quality images of the Conference Center here, and here. We are in a new world. Events like this conference, and the Palmyra Temple narrowcast are evidence that the Church is in the thick of the great change that is overtaking us. Much was made of this point in conference, both for and against. Were your ears open? Where do you stand? Should we be talking about corporatization or a stone cut without hands? Either way, it fills the world. In Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein called this type of situation a "moment of crux". More comments and stories here. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ I was on the Mutant site and read the interesting story that was linked in the Deseret News about DNA and genealogy. I wonder if this whole thing will not be a two edged sword for BYU and LDSdoom in a similar fashion as the rediscovery of the Egyptian papyri (ie. the Book of Abraham) in the NY Museum of Art in the 1960's. Woodward is a name that I am familiar with and I think that he is expert at grandstanding his work, despite its low quality. Most folks forget his (research) article that appeared in Science Magazine about 10 years ago where he reported the first cloning of dinosar DNA. It was a big plug for BYU and they beat the drum about it quite a bit. That is, until it became one of those embarrassments (like cold fusion) when it was reported (in Science) that his dinosaur DNA was a PCR artifactual amplification of a bacterial DNA. Then there was the usual silence (of denial that it happened) that comes after such embarassments. More recently, Woodward has been making his news by doing analysis of DNA from mummies. Fellows like Charles Pope are quoting Woodward a lot in their own stuff about Moses, David and Solomon being Egyptian pharoah's. Here is Pope's interesting website if you don't know what I am talking about: any rate, the two-edged sword may cut on the return path again when Woodward's work is cited (by fellows like Pope) as evidence contradictiory to LDS dogma. It will be interesting to see what happens. In the case of the papyri, the church covered it over pretty good by hiding them in its vaults and never mentioning the incident again. We, the moron masses, have very short memories. There is some irony here too, since Woodward has seemed to have kept his reputation intact and is still a poster boy of BYU, despite the embarassing (yet forgotten) scandal that emerged from his (and BYU's) earlier attempt at fame. Well, it is a pretty interesting story. Randall Well, today I guess I will fill my yearly quota of two emails to the mutants. (c: Yes, I am a bit surprised over your assessment of the conference center, but I guess I have gotten more radical as time has marched on. One of the things that floored me this past year was reading a book called "Prophet of Death: The Blood Atonement Murders" which was a chronicle of Jeffrey Lundgren and his followers. Jeffrey was a self-proclaimed prophet that broke off from the RLDS, but later espoused many of the doctrines that Brigham did, such as polygamy, the united order, blood atonement, etc. Parts of the book were so disgusting that they can not be talked about in good company. One of the things that floored me were the words that "prophet jeffrey" spoke. I found them to be identical to what so many folks (like us) say on email lists like the Mutants, David's Outcasts, Shulemna, etc. I wonder if Mormonism often breeds an type of insanity that causes men to increase in unGodliness rather than the opposite. Anyway, back to the conference center, I think that there is another side that is plain, yet unrecognized by many. It is built right into the structures in perfect symbolism. The conference center has a two inch face of granite covering a structure of manmade stone (concrete) and much of the structure is underground. These point to two things. One is the facade of godliness, the other being (spiritual) death. Symbols like this are built into the new temples (eg. Palmyra) too. Old temples had many floors, which represented the progress of man from the lower to the higher levels. The baptism font for the dead works for the dead were underground. However, in the Palmyra temple, there is only one floor. One enters the baptismal from the same level as houses the celestial room. It seems the multi-levels of temples past have been squeezed into one level, all of it being "ground level" today. I think that these symbols tell us the unfortunate reality of contemporary mormonism. Randall proclus wrote: > > Hail Mutants! I'm taking a little break from my thesis to hammer out a > new story for the Radical. Let me know what you think, and please feel > free to add your thoughts to the discussion area, if you like. Be > anonymous, or not, if you choose. > > Conference Center is a watershed > > The Church has some high quality images of the Conference Center here, > >> > and here. > >> > We are in a new world. > > Events like this conference, and the Palmyra > Temple > >> > narrowcast are > > evidence that the Church is in the thick of the great > change that is > overtaking us. Much was made of this point in conference, both for and > against. > Were your ears open? Where do you stand? Should we be talking about > corporatization or a stone cut without hands? Either way, it fills the > world. In > Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein called this type of > situation a "moment > of crux". More comments and stories here. > >> > Regards, > proclus > > -- > Visit proclus realm!> -----BEGIN GEEK CODE > BLOCK----- > Version: 3.1 > GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- > !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G > e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: gods.html Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 20:37:17 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Gaia D I see that someone was trying to access the file again. Don't forget; username: geek, password: indulgence. Here's the address again. Haven't heard much from anyone of late. I hope that you are all well. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Re: gods.html Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 20:31:55 PDT From: "rpc man" To:,,,,, JSWICK@MINDSPRING.COM,,,,,,,,, >Haven't heard much from anyone of late. I hope that you are all well. Well, I'm getting excommunicated in a week or so. I guess that will make me well. ;) ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Subject: RE: gods.html Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 22:00:28 -0700 From: "Joe Steve Swick III" To: "rpc man" , , , , , , , , , , , , , RPC man! Congratulations/condolences on your excommunication. Best Wishes Always, Joe Swick Heretic -----Original Message----- From: rpc man [] Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 8:32 PM To:;;;;; JSWICK@MINDSPRING.COM;;;;;;;;; Subject: Re: gods.html >Haven't heard much from anyone of late. I hope that you are all well. Well, I'm getting excommunicated in a week or so. I guess that will make me well. ;) ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Subject: RE: gods.html Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 23:13:23 -0600 From: Kerry Shirts To: rpc man , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "'Joe Steve Swick III'" ---------- From: Joe Steve Swick III[] Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 11:00 PM To: rpc man;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: RE: gods.html RPC man! Congratulations/condolences on your excommunication. Best Wishes Always, Joe Swick Heretic Kerry says: LAUGH!!!! You guys crack me up man. Hey RPCMan, I will always look at you as a good soul and my brother, even though I harass you about some of your silly ideas and misconceptions about the Book of Abraham (Not that I don't have any of these myself! GRIN!). Kerry A. Shirts -----Original Message----- From: rpc man [] Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 8:32 PM To:;;;;; JSWICK@MINDSPRING.COM;;;;;;;;; Subject: Re: gods.html >Haven't heard much from anyone of late. I hope that you are all well. Well, I'm getting excommunicated in a week or so. I guess that will make me well. ;) ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Subject: RE: gods.html Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 23:36:21 -0600 From: Kerry Shirts To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Gaia D , "'proclus'" I am very well so far thanks. A most interesting file I have to admit.......This is the first I have ever seen it. Thanks for the accesss. Kerry A. Shirts ---------- From: proclus[] Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 6:37 PM To: Andy Mcguire; ArtdeHoyos; Beth any; Enoch Shemna; Joe Steve Swick III; Kathleen McGuire; Ken Shaw; Kerry Shirts;; proclus; R. Trent Reynolds; Randall Shortridge; Robert R. Black; rpc man; Gaia D Subject: gods.html I see that someone was trying to access the file again. Don't forget; username: geek, password: indulgence. Here's the address again. Haven't heard much from anyone of late. I hope that you are all well. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Howdy from Ken Shaw! Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 10:54:31 -0500 From: Ken Shaw To: Proclus, I've been out of the picture for a while, as I've been deeply involved with putting my marriage back together. I'm sending on a piece I wrote on Sufism that I would like to ask that you pass it on to the gang. I'm working on the Sufi thing in a much less obsessive way and am gaining a whole new respect for the traditions and doctrines of the LDS faith. If you still got an email list going, please put me on it. Con Dios, Ken Shaw --------------------------------------- An overview of "Universal Sufism" Dr. H. J. Witteveen by Ken Shaw Introductory Comments: The author of "Universal Sufism", Dr. H. J. Witteveen, grew up in a family that was deeply involved with the work of Hazrat Inayat Khan, an Indian classical musician and Sufi who attempted to introduce Sufism into the West in the first years of this century. The pupose of the book is to present an introduction and overview of both Sufism and the life and work of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Chapter One: The History and Origin of Sufism Dr. Witteveen takes the position that Sufism is a living continuation of the religious tradition of Ancient Egypt, especially the tradition of Toth-Hermes who became known as Hermes Trismegistus in Hellenistic times. He sees Dhul-Nun al-Misti as the connecting link between Islamic Sufism and the Hermetic tradition of Hellenistic Egypt. He quotes Hazrat Inayat Khan as saying that Abraham built the Kaaba after his time in Egypt, and that Abraham concentrated his inner force into the Black Stone of the Kaaba as a memorial of the training he had recieved in Egypt. Dhul-Nun is of special interest to people in the West because he is the founder of the Sufi school called "The Builders" which was the inspiration of the Masonic Lodges of Europe. Dhul-Nun is said to have learned to read the Egyptian Hieroglyphs by means of the special insight he devolped by the diciplines of the Path. Dr. Witteveen sees the next key figure in the development of Sufism to be in Persia by Shihabuddin Yahya al-Suhrawardi. Suhrawardi worked out a brilliantly coherant synthesis of Islam, Egyptian Hermeticism, Zoroastrianism, Neoplatonism and Buddhism. Dr. Witteveen notes the importance of Moses and Jesus in Persian Sufism, Moses being mentioned as often as Krishna is in Hinduism. He sees the Jesus as the main influence on the next key figure in the development of Sufism, Mansur al-Hallaj. Al-Hallaj proclaimed the "Sufi Secret" openly in public, and it cost him his life. He understood what Jesus meant when He said "whoever has seen Me has seen the Father" and "the Father and I are one". Sufism understands "The Father" to be "The-Whole-of-Existence-Itself" which is a single living being. In this view, "God" is the only "Being" that exists at all, and the various orders of "individual" organisms are like minute "reflections" of that Absolute Self in the ripples of Space-Time. Each one of us is like a "Holographic Projection" of that One Self, our experience of "seperatness" coming from our identification with the electro-chemical organic machine which is picking up our conciousness like a radio station. Jesus followed a Path that allowed Him to "Realize the Self" and awaken to His true identity, the One Absolute Self who is God. It was like a person in a dream realizing that he is in a dream and becoming fully conscious in that dream. He is both the "dreamer" of the dream and one of the characters in the dream, but he realizes the truth of both the "waking world" and the "dreaming world" he is in. The first followers of Jesus refered to what they were doing as "The Way", and they understood "the Way" to be a tradition of "inner development" that went back to the begining of man's presence on Earth. The Sufis believe that they are following this very same Way. Al-Hallaj began to announce his own awakening to his friends in no uncertain terms when he said to them: "Ana' al Haqq" -- "I Am The Truth" The word got out that Al-Hallaj was proclaiming that he was God, and the orthodox religious authorities of Baghdad had him arrested. He was eventualy crucified and dismembered for his "crime", but his passion changed the course of history in the East and the West and established Sufism as a permanent feature of Islamic life. Dr. Witteveen points out that later Beyazid Bastami was able to proclaim "Glory to Me" and come to no harm, because Al-Hallaj had forced Islamic civilization to come to terms with the paradoxes of mystical realization. He points out the importance of the city of Balkh in Turkistan for its ancient connections to Buddhism and Yoga from India. Balkh is the birthplace of "sober" Sufism which places more emphasis on silent concentration and psychological insight than on the more outwardly "religious" forms of devotion. Dr. Witteveen finishes this chapter with the introduction of Sufism into India, where it began to bridge the gulf between Islam and Hinduism and heal some of the deep wounds that seperated the two communities. The Hindu sages and yogis could see eye-to-eye with the Sufis and embrace them as brethren, and the tombs of Sufi saints are revered as much by Hindus as they are by Muslims in India. My only real problem with this brief overview of Sufi history is that it never mentions Muhammed or the tradition that has survived among the Arabs since the days of Abraham. Moses went to Jethro, "Priest of the Midianites" in the Arabian desert to find shelter and a new direction for his life. The Midianites were a fierce Bedouin people who had lived in the Arabian peninsula since the time of Abraham their father. They lived in deep devotion to the God of their father Abraham, "Yahu Saboath" (Yahu of Warriors), and it was while with Jethro that Moses met the God of Abraham who called Himself "Yahue" (Eternal) and "Hayah" (I Am). The Midianite Arabs had kept the living contact with the God a Abraham alive, and it was from them that Moses got the key to his own Prophetic mission. There is a whole story to be learned about how Jethro came to Moses and the Israelites after the Exodus and taught Moses how to be a tribal Chief. The decendants of Jethro accompanied the Camp of Israel from then on and kept alive thier secret tribal traditions. These decendants of Jethro where later known as the Rechabites in the Land of Israel, where they kept alive their ancient Abrahamic Bedouine lifestyle, never touching wine or cutting their hair or beards. It was from them that the tradition of the "Nazarite" came, which came from the word "Netzerim" which means "Keepers of Secrets". The decendants of Jethro, the Rechabites, where the "Keepers of Secrets" that kept the ancient Abrahamic mysteries alive and functioning until the coming of Jesus and his brother James the Just. So Sufism isn't just an amalgam of various streams of esotericism from Egypt to India, it is the true core of the whole Biblical tradition that comes down from Adam to Seth to Enoch to Noah to Melchezidek to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Muhammed. Kenneth Shaw posted on the Donmeh forum Fri, 21 May 1999 Subject: A Suprising View for Your Consideration Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 22:00:21 -0700 From: "Joe Steve Swick III" To: CC: "Mormon-Mystic@Egroups. Com" Brutal Planet (Alice Cooper) Download the MP3 at: We're spinning round on this ball of hate There's no parole, there's no Great Escape We're sentenced here until the end of days And then, my brother, there's a price to pay We're only human, we were born to die Without the benefit of reason why We live for pleasure, to be satisfied And now it's over -- there's no place to hide Why don't you come down, too It's such a brutal planet It's such an ugly world Why won't you come down, too "This world is such perfection" (What a sight) "It's just like paradise" (For my eyes) "A truly grand creation" (What a sight) "From up here it looks so nice" (For my eyes) It's such a brutal planet It's such a living hell It was a holy garden That's right where Adam fell It's where the bite was taken It's where we chose to sin It's where we first were naked This is where our death begins We took advice from that deceiving snake He said don't worry it's a piece of cake And sent us swimming in a burning lake Now we're abandoned here for Heaven's sake Why don't you come down, too It's such a brutal planet It's such an ugly world Why won't you come down, too "This world is such perfection" (What a sight) "It's just like paradise" (For my eyes) "A truly grand creation" (What a sight) "From up here it looks so nice" (For my eyes) Here's where we keep the armies Here's where we write those names Here's where the money god is Here's our famous hall of shame Here's where we starve the hungry Here's where we cheat the poor Here's where we beat the children Here is where we pay the whore Why don't you come down, too It's such a brutal planet It's such an ugly world Why won't you come down, too "This world is such perfection" (What a sight) "It's just like paradise" (For my eyes) "A truly grand creation" (What a sight) "From up here it looks so nice" (For my eyes) Right here we stoned the prophets Built idols out of mud Right here we fed the lions Christian flesh and Christian blood Down here is where we hung Ya Upon an ugly cross Over there, we filled the ovens Right here the holocaust! Subject: radical stories etc Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2000 20:28:51 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Enoch Shemna , Gaia D , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man Heh, with the "demise" of World Gems, this increases our profile, no? It's mostly fluff over there at Here are the most recent stories from the Radical. The Invasion of the Saints! Thanks to Genee France for this interesting story at from a perspective that is often forgotten in Mormon circles. Here is the link, and add your comments here. LDS World Gems bites the big one The Church has brought Gems inside and now controls the most popular solely online LDS News source. Check the link here, then speak your mind here. Here is a link to the Radical, just in case you lost it =}. As a result of the merger, we need more websites for the sidebar of the radical. If you have any suggestions, just pass them along. Hey, how about Mormon Libertarians! Actually, I'm favoring the Greens this time around. The trouble is that the term "free trade" has become a euphemism that actually provides propoganda towards monopoly protection. Here is a little more news... I'm planning on taking a post-doctoral fellowship at Cornell, which is in Ithaca NY. More on that later, as the plan gets fleshed out. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: Re: [Fwd: mutant discussions] Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 07:25:04 -0400 From: Randall Shortridge Organization: State University of New York To: proclus CC: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Enoch Shemna , Gaia D , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , ""