Geeks and other outcasts are getting the short end of
the stick these days. Just read Voices
From The Hellmouth by John Katz. If you are ready to take action,
here is something that you need to read, Crackers
and Crackdowns by Jason Kroll. If you prefer lighter fare, this short
story is simply hilarious, and is also quite challenging in terms of
free speech rights. Finally, check out GeekPAC.
I have created this page as a geek sanctuary, a haven
for outcasts. Make yourself at home. Read about my personal interests,
then contribute to the discussion regarding our emerging community.
Recently, I founded the GNU-Darwin Distribution. It is my main geek project at this time. FREE Darwin!
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Here is a picture of my favorite geek toy, my old Mac II. With 6 nubus
slots, the Mac II was truly the first hacker's Mac. I've outfitted it with
a 50mHz 68030 CPU/FPU. The Mac II had a pretty advanced bus for it's day.
This machine is very fast for an old Mac. In the nubus slots you will find
a cheap ethernet card, a serial accelerator, and an Apple 4.8 video card.
I'm a geek of music, and I need my machines to produce. This Macintosh
exists to make music. In the other slots you will find a MacWaveMaker card
with a Kurzweil 6MMASS chipset, and a MacProteus card with an old Emu Proteus
chipset on board. I use the old Mac as a midi server. I'm unable
to use Linux on the old Mac, since there is no chance of getting drivers
for these old synths. I have booted it with m68k
Linux, though. Ironically, this webpage doesn't render correctly on this
mac because the older versions of Netscape, the only ones that work, don't
have PNG support. Apparently, the Mac community is not interested in the
PNG format, and I definitely don't have time to write a plugin.
I built my own AMD-based Linux box. I use the Mandrake
distribution with Windowmaker
as a GUI. Underneath, I occasionally run Kfm for an icon manager. I think
it looks really cool. Here are some screenshots for you, so you will know
what I am trying to do with my Linux box.
Here are musician's links that have been very helpful.
Central®: Software: UNIX
My other favorite geek toy is The Radical Mormon. Heck, if I were a professional, it would go on my resume! It is a win-win situation. I publish material that I care deeply about, plus I get to play with the thing as much as I want! It would be impossible without the good book, the ArsDigita services page.
Finger or Talk to me at home.
proclus@medici.penguinpowered.comEmail me
proclus@gnu-darwin.orgIf you need a GUI (2), you may be able to reach me as medici777 on AOL internet messenger, or you can Finger me on the web.
Web Finger Server1. Morlock - (see illustration below) an underground technologist from H.G. Wells's story, The Time Machine. The Time Machine movie came out in the year that I was born, 1960. Check Neal Stephensons's article, In the Beginning was the Command Line for more information on Morlocks.