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buoys will be buoys is my current musical project. You can listen here and buy a CD here. BWBB was made entirely with freely available software. Here are the best celtic music midi archives that I have found. Jack in. Turn up. Mellow out. My first attempt at web art.
Check out my Pseudo-Dionysius/History of the Franks Links. I have an essay here too. Why "proclus"? This is where you can find out about the historical Proclus.
The Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry Department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has provided me a homepage. For shorter fare, read my NIH Biosketch. The TnC molecule in a stylized representation. Here are my cover letter and cv. I am founder and lead admin of The GNU-Darwin Distribution. and as well. The Molecules site is a part of the molecules activism that occupies much of my interest and free time. This is the main reason I wrote an article about another molecules activist, Linus Pauling. Another great example of the current activities is Apigenin: Molecule of the Day. For some deep background, which helps to explain the basis of all this activism, try Three Years of Free Software Activism: The Case of GNU-Darwin OS. See the Michael L. Love page at Linkedin. Michael L. Love bioskectch at echeminfo. Here is a link to the excellent Petsko/Ringe Links Page. I'm a Supper Mirror consultant, and a big fan of the Supper Extended Arc Goniometer Head With Detachable Arc Assembly. Here is a link to the Charles Supper Company. I've compiled RasMol for Darwin X11. Check my Darwin Page. More to come! Have a look at my Amazon Profile, or see plenty of tech in the proclus realm Amazon Store
I have Darwin software here. Check out the Geek Code! You might also be interested in the Geek Code Decoder. Go to the root. Slashdot: News for Nerds. Boston BBS is one of the best Macintosh user groups in the world. Read Neal Stephenson's article, In the Beginning was the Command Line. RipperX is a program to rip CD audio and encode mp3s. It rocks! I use GTK NAPSTER when I need a quick digital copy of my music. Here are the links I use every day.
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