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Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 00:30:50 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: proclus , Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , onandagus@webtv.net, "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man References: 1 ___Proclus___ Congrats Joe. We have previously discussed Royal Arch at length, and I think that it is safe to say that there would be no Mormonism as we know it without Royal Arch. It is all in the archives for anyone who cares to read it. If this means that the innermost rituals of Mormonism take their origins from Luciferian roots, then sobeit. If we must bear the light, let us bear it well. As far as I am concerned, our masonic brothers will always be welcome in this circle of ours. ----- You are very considerate. I have not been treated as kindly elsewhere. As for the Satanic nature of the Holy Royal Arch -- you'd have to squeeze the thing pretty hard and look at it all squinty-eyed before you could see the Devil in it. For goodness sakes, it's based upon a biblical story. ___Proclus___ Now a word about that beguiling forward button. It is easy for me to see why someone would be bothered by their messages being forwarded without their knowledge. My wife gets bothered, if I even mention her online. If I forward her messages, I get the couch for the night! ----- As a general rule, I am careful to keep the confidences reposed in me. However, I felt Todd abused our relationship. Based upon the closed mail in this group, he chose to send personally insulting mail, essentially accusing me of belonging to a Luciferian religion, and of being at best the unwitting dupe of Satan, and more likely the knowing participant in a murderous Secret Combination. Don Bradley and Ken Shaw will recall that this is not the first time I have had a "problem" with Todd and his friends. He and John Wrede (aka Jahnihah) made much public noise on Mahonri-L about my vassalage to the Lord of Darkness, and how I was in cahoots with certain bad reptilian aliens who crawled under the streets of SLC and Provo. Given our past history, I cannot imagine what possible good he expected would come from such privately-posted insults. It seems that posting widely to the entire circle is far more productive, although --I confess-- as a matter of good form, I should have told Todd that I was going to do this. My apologies to Todd if he was offended by this in any way. ___Proclus___ On the other hand, I consider this group not only as a discussion group, but as an intimate circle of initiates. I feel that we should freely bring in the peripheral issues, so that they can be examined in the light of perfect love and perfect trust. ----- I have no bitter feelings towards Todd. He should feel free to raise whatever points he wishes in support of his proposition that Freemasons are a secret Luciferian cabal controlling the world through murder and secret political machinations. As has been pointed out to him in the past, his views share territory with the virulent anti-Semitic, anti-Masonic "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." However, sometimes these topics need a little air; I'm happy to have a no-flames discussion if he is game. ___Proclus___ We can handle this deep examination. No one here is a child that shrinks from the probing light of the all-seeing eye. ----- Indeed. In fact, there is comfort in the fact that God sees all, and judges justly. As we often sing on a Sunday, "beneath His watchful eye, His Saints securely dwell." I have no fears, for --whether we are discussing Masonry or Mormonism-- I have done all out of the integrity of my heart. I doubt not that the God of Heaven sees my acts in light of my intentions, and will ever judge me right. Speaking frankly, my choice to become a Freemason was one of the BEST decisions socially that I have ever made. Masonry is not a religion, but that does not mean that its teachings are trivial or cheap. Art will understand why the 32° was perhaps a teensy bit more meaningful to me as a Latter-day Saint than it is for others. In fact, the apex of that degree and what it represented was personally significant for me in ways that no unEndowed person is likely to appreciate. As a hint of what I am talking about, Rex Hutchens explains briefly what it means to be a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, in the following words: "To become both a priest and a king, like all those who before have been entrusted with the Holy Doctrine and the Royal Secret, is to learn to exercise dominion over ourselves with wisdom. The priest is a symbol of divine wisdom, and the king, of divine sovereignty" (Hutchens, Bridge to Light, 320-321). And, "To be a soldier of True Religion is to recognize the corruption of the true religion given to man. Thus, we must combat, with reason and truth, all spiritual tyrrany over the souls and consciences of men. Finally, we war against all who would, with superstition, bigotry and fanaticism, prescribe what men may believe" (Ibid, 321). I believe these words with all my heart, and if this is Masonic "doctrine," then I am its glad and willing Apostle! Contrary to what Todd would have you believe, these are typical and representative of the noble and pure sentiments taught by Masonry in its "highest" degrees. __Robert__ How about shareing the article with us? ___Proclus___ I second that. Is it available online? ----- The article was published in volume 2 of Heredom, the 1992 transactions of The Scottish Rite Research Society. It contains numerous graphics. I personally have not scanned the article, and I am not familiar with where on the 'net you might be able to locate it. Perhaps Art would be able to help with this. ___Todd J. Jumper___ even if I supply you all the evidence will it change your views on your decisions to join in such high degrees of a Luciferian religion? ___Proclus___ Pass me a cup of that old time religion. Let us sprinkle the world. How can we apprehend the white without knowing purple. The Illuminati is me and my friends. ----- I believe with the late Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Henry Clausen, that: "There is in Christ's gospel a rapport with many religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Judaism, Brahmanism and others. They originally arose from man's early fears of nature's forces. Gradual progress was made to higher and more mature concepts of freedom, a release from fear. Hence, there is an ultimate unanimity of belief that the great cause is the one God; that man partakes of divinity in that God dwells within him; that this accounts for his inner knowledge of right and wrong, and that this spark of the Divine can be developed into a living and eternal flame." Just gimme that Old Time Religion! I also believe with Albert Pike: Our little systems have their day; They have their day and cease to be: They are but broken lights of Thee, And Thou, O Lord, art more than they. --- Magnum Opus, XIV° ___Joe Swick___ He also openly discusses the charges of Masonry being a "Luciferian organization," in detail for all who care to read. This is posted here and there on the 'net, and I have simply chosen the one that came up in my search. Once the document has loaded, simply search for "lucifer." ___Proclus___ Search for Lucifer? Funny funny, Joe! ----- Yeah, well. I do my best. I'll tell you what's REALLY funny: I live in KENT (LIGHT), and my Lodge is VERITY (TRUTH). ROTFL! You'd almost suspect that I planned it that way. ___Proclus___ Here's the problem. I skimmed Morals and Dogma on my mission. I was in Milford, Pennsylvania, which is Pike's home town or something. Lots of stuff is named after him there. It was a really ancient copy of the book =). I seem to remember that the Luciferian stuff IS in Pikes book. I could be wrong about that, I suppose. It has been a few years ;-}. Pike also has those wonderful quotes about Sirius in there. ----- An extract from a previous conversation I had on this topic. I include this because I give page numbers. I will later pass along the entire post for your reading pleasure: ---------------------------------------------- ___KIP___ It is obvious that you didn't read 'Moral and Dogma'. Albert Pike wrote in his book that Freemasons worship lucifer and that it IS a religion. ----- Actually, I HAVE read Morals and Dogma. References to Lucifer are found on pages: 73, 102, 321 and 324. He is alluded to in the 32nd Degree, where he is discussed on pages 844, 845 and 860. If I am not mistaken, these are the ONLY references to Lucifer in Morals and Dogma. None of them state that Masons worship Lucifer. As for Pike referring to Masonry as a "religion." He does, in several places, the most oft-quoted appearing on page 213: "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instructions in religion. For here are inculcated disinterestedness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Here we meet as brethren, to learn to know and love each other. Here we greet each other gladly, are lenient to each other's faults, regardful of each other's feelings, ready to relieve each other's wants. This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries." It is clear that Pike is not talking about doctrines of salvation. Rather, he is using this word in the same way Americans occasionally discuss the "Constitution" as the document of a secular religion, with Public Virtue being its guiding ethic. That this is so is demonstrated elsewhere in this same section. Pike similarly discusses the "religion of toil" (212), and the religion of society (213). Concerning these, he states: "Men may be virtuous, self-improving, and religious in their employments. Precisely for that, those employments were made. All their social relations, friendship, love, and ties of family, were made to be holy. They may be religious...by conformity to their true spirit. Those vocations do not exclude religion; but demand it, for their own perfection. They may be religious laborers, whether in field or factory; religious physicians, lawyers, sculptors, poets, painters, and musicians. They may be religious in all the toils and amusements of life. Their life may be a religion; the broad earth its altar; its incense the very breath of life; its fires ever kindled by the brightness of Heaven" (214-15). Certainly in the passage above, Pike is not using the word "religion" to refer to an institution with salvific doctrine and ordinances, and he certainly nowhere implies that Masonry is salvific. ---------------------------------------------- I hope this posting has been informative. All reasonable/sane comments and questions welcome! Regards, Joe Steve Swick III, Illuminated Master "Serving the Reptilian Overlords Since 1994" ----- "It is but a few hundred years since a new Truth began to be distinctly seen; that MAN IS SUPREME OVER INSTITUTIONS, AND NOT THEY OVER HIM. Man has *natural* empire over *all* institutions. They are for him, according to his development; not he for them. This seems to us a very simple statement, one to which all men, everywhere, ought to assent. But once it was a great new Truth.... Once revealed, it imposed new duties on men. Man owed it to *himself* to be free. . . It made Tyranny and Usurpation the enemies of the Human Race. It created a general outlawry of Despots and Despotisms, temporal and spiritual....this Truth had the Omnipotence of God on its side; and ... neither Pope nor Potentate could overcome it" (Pike, Morals and Dogma, 23-4, emphases in original). "Do not lose sight...of the true object of your studies.... It is to add to your estate of wisdom, and not merely to your knowledge. A man may spend a lifetime in studying a single specialty of knowledge...and yet be no wiser than when he began. It is the great truths . . . that most concerns a man, as to his rights, interests, and duties....The wiser a man becomes, the less he will be inclined to submit to the imposition of fetters or a yoke, on his conscience or on his person. For, by increase in wisdom he not only better *knows* his rights, but the more highly *values* them, and is more conscious of his worth and dignity. His pride then urges him to assert his independence. He becomes better *able* to assert it also; and better able to assist others . . . when they . . . stake all, even existence, upon the same assertion. But mere knowledge makes no one independent, nor fits him to be free. It often only makes him a more useful slave. Liberty is a curse to the ignorant and brutal" (Pike, Morals and Dogma, 26, emphases in original). "A man's Faith is as much his own as his Reason is. His Freedom consists as much in his faith being free as in his will being uncontrolled by power.....No man or body of men *can* be infallible, and authorized to decide what other men shall believe, as to any tenet of faith. Except to those who first receive it, every religion and truth of all inspired writings depend on *human* testimony and internal evidences, to be judged of by Reason and the wise analogies of Faith. Each man must necessarily have the right to judge of their truth for himself; because no one man can have any higher or better right to judge another of equal information and intelligence" (Pike, MD 29). "If Priesthoods still govern, they now come before the laity to prove, by stress of argument, that they *ought* to govern" (MD 94). Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 00:31:01 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: ArtdeHoyos@aol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, enoch144@eagle-net.org, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com References: 1 A little background reading if you are interested. One of my postings archived on DEJA.COM. -- JSW Date: 1998/11/21 Author: Joe Steve Swick III ___KIP____ Freemasons worship Lucifer. ___JSW__ Oh, PUH-LEEEEZE! I imagine that some members of the Local PTA or Boy Scouts worship Lucifer, too, but that is not the concern of the PTA or the Scouts. As Freemasonry is a FRATERNITY and clearly not a religion (as has been proven in more than one court of law) and does not meet the requirements of a religion, it is flatly not proper to discuss "the Masonic God" or "the Masonic religion," and absolutely not proper to discuss "Masonic Worship." ___KIP___ England recognizes Freemasonry is not "just a fraternity". ----- You are flipping issues. In England, it is well understood that Freemasonry is a FRATERNITY and not a religion, your twisting above notwithstanding. ___KIP___ If the plaintiff or the defendant is a Freemason, The judge cannot be a Freemason . Any one can go to a court room and see exchanges of masonic tokens between judges and lawyers, lawyers and the opposing side and from the plaintiff and members of the jury and vice versa. ----- As for whether or not "anyone can go to a court room and see exchanges of masonic tokens," I can't imagine you have this on anything but hearsay. That the government would require disclosure of Masonic affiliation is OUTRAGEOUS, and you know it. Tyrranny takes many faces, and none is so bad as the tyrrany which is sanctioned by the state, under the pretense of law. I personally don't care who knows that I'm a Freemason, or a Mormon, or anything else about me. However, in the United States, laws must pass certain tests in order to be Constitutional. Laws which make specific reference to persons, places or things usually fail to pass the test of Generality, and are considered unConstitutional. If the law were impartial -- and all judges/elected officials had to make full disclosure of ALL public and private affiliations, that would be a step toward meeting the requirement of Generality. If no Anglican or Methodist judge could rule in a case where the plaintiff or defendant were Anglicans or Methodists, and so forth, that would be closer to the mark. My guess is that this is not the case. I must say, that while I personally don't care who knows I am a Freemason, we Americans are generally uncomfortable with the idea of having to report our personal activities to the Government. It sounds rather...fascist. There is a vast difference between me choosing to wear a square and compasses pin on my lapel, and the Government forcing me to wear one eh. Some German fellow a few years back took that approach with his critics as well. Made them easier to round up. Of course, I believe that in any case where there is a conflict of interests, a judge has a responsibility to excuse him/herself. To be quite frank, if I were a Freemason guilty of a crime and I knew the judge were a Freemason, I sure as HELL wouldn't wish him to know it... because my obligations bind me to uphold the law of the land. If the judge suspected I was guilty and knew that I was a Freemason, I would fully expect him to "throw the book at me." That he knew my affiliation would merely add to the shame, because it would be a smear on my honor, and a stain on my character in light of my obligation. ___KIP___ I've seen it not only with the masons but other secret societies as well. ----- Have you now. I didn't know that Masons were a secret society. If they have to register in England, that doesn't sound very "secret" at all. I also don't know but that in the States at least, Masons are usually known to be such, stated meetings are advertised in the papers, the location of lodges may be found in any telephone directory, and --outside of initiations and Lodge business-- Masons make no secret of their activities. ___KIP___ 'The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry' by Manly Palmer Hall 33rd degree Freemason "When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy." page 48 ___JSW____ Point ONE: I have this book. I purchased it precisely because of the argument Christian Fundamentalists made about it-- I had to seem for myself. I would be quite happy to admit if it demonstrated that ANYONE worshipped Lucifer, but the fact is, you are grossly misreading the passage. In the sentence directly following the one you quote, Hall also states how Freemasons must be like Tubal-Cain, who, "with the mighty strength of the war-god hammered his sword into a plowshare." Hall is speaking in simile and metaphor, but this is apparently lost on you. In context, the point he makes is that we must come to control our desires, and use their powers for good rather than for evil and destruction. ___KIP___ Limp wristed pseudo-intellectuals think that communism is a good thing, the Masons also see communism as a good thing. Looking at a bad thing in a good way DOES NOT MAKE IT GOOD! ----- First, your comment has nothing to do with Manly Hall's quote. You have terribly misread him, and my honest opinion is that you likely only know the quote from some Anti-Masonic book. The alternative is to believe that you purposly lied. As for Masons seeing communism as a "good thing." If it matters to you, I am quite far from the political left, Kip. I have absolutely NO IDEA what the political affiliation of most Freemasons is, but given that the ranks of American Freemasons have included such include such folks as Bob Dole, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, and numerous other "right-leaning" leaders. My assumption is that these folks are not likely to think much of communism. ___JSW___ the "seething powers of Lucifer" is a reference to the knowledge which each human holds and which s/he commonly uses to hurt and destroy, which impulse must be overcome and turned for good. ---- ___KIP___ Masons believe that lucifer freed adam and eve from the tyranny of God. A satanic lie. ----- WHICH MASONS teach this, and where? I know many, many Freemasons, and I don't know a single one who believes this. ___JSW___ Masonry is just as likely to have Rabbis and Bishops, Muslims and Mormons among its number as it is mystics like Hall. ___KIP___ They don't care who joins as long as they can trick you in to believing lucifer as their master. ----- Baseless ranting. Show your evidence. ___KIP__ It's not just "sovereign grand commander" Albert Pike who states that Freemasons worship lucifer. ----- Aside from your patently bogus quote, show me ANYWHERE where Pike states that Freemasons worship Lucifer. The burden of proof is on YOU to prove that he did -- not on me to prove that he did not. Of course, you cannot, because Pike never taught such a thing. ___KIP___ the 33rd degree Freemason's motto is "ORDO AB CHAO" a luciferian term. ----- The term ORDO AB CHAO is an invention of the Scottish Rite, and is indeed the motto of the 33rd Degree. It means "order out of chaos." According to Mackey, its first recorded use was on a patent issued in February of 1802. The meaning of the term is similar to LUX E TENEBRIS -- "light out of darkness," as noted by both Mackey and Coil. Both of these mottos (ORDO AB CHAO and LUX E TENEBRIS) bring to mind Genesis 1:1-3, where it reads: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM, AND VOID, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." God then proceeds to bring forth life on the earth. This is my understanding of these mottos and their meanings. ___KIP___ That means ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Lucifer uses chaos to bring order. Chaos is used by those attempting to control. They create the chaos and then bring in tyrannical order to save us from the chaos. Side note: Lucifer is also known as the Author of Confusion. ----- The connection with these mottos with Genesis 1:1-3 is evident. If you are going to make a special pleading that they have to do with Lucifer, you'll have to do better than this. ___KIP___ It is obvious that you didn't read 'Moral and Dogma'. Albert Pike wrote in his book that Freemasons worship lucifer and that it IS a religion. ----- Actually, I HAVE read Morals and Dogma. References to Lucifer are found on pages: 73, 102, 321 and 324. He is alluded to in the 32nd Degree, where he is discussed on pages 844, 845 and 860. If I am not mistaken, these are the ONLY references to Lucifer in Morals and Dogma. None of them state that Masons worship Lucifer. As for Pike referring to Masonry as a "religion." He does, in several places, the most often appearing on page 213: "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instructions in religion. For here are inculcated disinterestedness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Here we meet as brethren, to learn to know and love each other. Here we greet each other gladly, are lenient to each other's faults, regardful of each other's feelings, ready to relieve each other's wants. This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries." It is clear that Pike is not talking about doctrines of salvation. Rather, he is using this word in the same way Americans occasionally discuss the "Constitution" as the document of a secular religion, with Public Virtue being its guiding ethic. That this is so is demonstrated elsewhere in this same section. Pike similarly discusses the "religion of toil" (212), and the religion of society (213). Concerning these, he states: "Men may be virtuous, self-improving, and religious in their employments. Precisely for that, those employments were made. All their social relations, friendship, love, and ties of family, were made to be holy. They may be religious...by conformity to their true spirit. Those vocations do not exclude religion; but demand it, for their own perfection. They may be religious laborers, whether in field or factory; religious physicians, lawyers, sculptors, poets, painters, and musicians. They may be religious in all the toils and amusements of life. Their life may be a religion; the broad earth its altar; its incense the very breath of life; its fires ever kindled by the brightness of Heaven" (214-15). Certainly in the passage above, Pike is not using the word "religion" to refer to an institution with salvific doctrine and ordinances, and he certainly nowhere implies that Masonry is salvific. ___KIP___ You say "I don't believe that. I've never heard anything about this at my lodge!" ___JSW___ Yes, and as I am a 32° Scottish Rite Freemason, according to the "Pike Quote" you give above, if there were any Lucifer worship involved, I should be "in the know." Maybe I AM in the know, and I'm lying about this. Or maybe since Pike's day, they have moved the Satanic worship up, so that only 33° Masons (it is an honorary degree) know and are involved. Frankly, I am familiar with the 33rd Degee working, and nary a word about Satan in the entire thing. Maybe they save the "Big Secret" for the conversation with the refreshments following the degree proper? ___KIP___ "maybe *I AM*(wink wink) in the know, and I'm lying about this" you ARE lying. ----- You are a certifiable rascal. No, I'm not lying at all, and I don't appreciate being called a liar by fanatical scoundrels like yourself. There is no Lucifer worship in Masonry in anything but your imagination. ___KIP___ would you care to explain what I AM means to the Freemasons??? If you don't I will. ----- Perfectly happy to. In his discussion of the 32° Pike identifies I AM as the God of Moses: "I AM, God said to Moses, that which Is, Was and Shall forever Be. . . . [Yod-He-Vav-He] is the Name of the Deity manifested in a single act, that of Creation, and containing within Himself, in idea and actuality, the whole Universe." (849) Did you have something else in mind, Kip? ___KIP___ I had a neighbor who was a 32 degree Freemason, ----- Ah! Now comes a charming anecdote. ___KIP___ He asked me one day "do you want to know who rules the world?" he then pointed to his Masonic ring. He knew all about the masonic plan. We talked about it for a couple hours. ----- If your mails are any indication of your normal state, If I were him, I would have told you we rode black goats and spanked initiates with the Devils Special Paddle. As I said, it never pays to argue with a COWAN, so you just fun with 'em and smile. I would do the same, except your lies are being spread hither and yon over the internet. I wish to make sure that everyone sees what a cowan you really are, and let them judge the weight of your argument against my own. ___KIP___ Even George Washington understood the darkside of freemasonry. [The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor.--vol. 36 Mount Vernon, September 25, 1798]. ___JSW___ Did he, now? Washington was a Freemason, "true blue" through and through. I suppose you wish to argue that he worshipped Lucifer as well? I wonder if any mention was made of Lucifer at Bro.'. Washington's Masonic funeral? For, Washington lived, died and was buried a Freemason. ___KIP___ The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor.--vol. 36 Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798. Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into. It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am... ----- Yes, Washington disapproved of Illuminism. Apart from some idiots in the Grand Orient of France, so did everyone else. However, Illuminism was NOT Satanism -- it's distasteful aspects (Jacobinism, for instance) notwithstanding. Regards, JSW Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:26:01 -0400 From: Enoch Shemna To: Joe Steve Swick III CC: jswick@cris.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com, RAZZ2017@aol.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 > I am more than happy to discuss any relevant facts you care to present. > > ___Todd J. Jumper___ > I have several videos and documents which I can in free time dub off for you > but knowing your character and your disbelief The videos I am refering to can be found at http://www.freeworldalliance.com/videos.htm > scripture), Masonry is NOT a religion in the generally accepted meaning of I should just stop now because speaking the truth of things to you is like yelling at a brick wall which just echos my voice and yells back at me. I am not insulting or name calling but if you want to take it as such then go right ahead. I am only trying to show why I say the things I say and not cause a fight. I have run into just as many people who were masons and worked for the government who admitted it was a religion and luciferian and left, just as many people have shown me proof of this as you show all the proof of the goodness therein and testify of how much it has been a good choice in your life. Whatsoever is good cometh from God, whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil therefore by this shall ye judge. As usual you take your pompous and extremely prideful attitude and make it into a big ruckus from a personal email. Your intention is not to prove your argument but do all you can to get others on your side to make the messanger look like a fool and an uninspired accuser and trouble maker in hope that they will either be banned or leave the list. Like I said I am only going to supply what I h ave and that will be the end of it, the rest of you can make your own choice from their on. > I should mention that Masonry was initially and fundamentally a Christian > institution, and those who choose to receive the degrees of York Rite > Masonry DO take an oath to defend the Christian religion. So does Clinton while at the same time murders everyone in WACO. > Each of these claims must be evaluated carefully, as must the characters who Evaluate them yourself with the videos. As for other documents they will be post as time provides at www.freeworldalliance.com > Carlson, John Ankerberg, William Whalen and other such scroungers as your > friend relies upon for his "evidence." Unlike your scrounger friend, who is I didn't call names or insult your friends. > As for the claim that your friend can demonstrate that Masonry is > "Luciferian," I would wonder what that might mean. Does he have evidence > that the leaders of some Masonic bodies regularly meet with the Lord of > Darkness himself, say, promptly at 4:00 pm every Thursday, for consultation > on the next step in their Great and Illuminated Conspiracy to make all of > mankind the ignorant but willing dupes of the Devil? They are going to meet on New Year Eve 2000 at the great giza pyramid in Egypt and bring in the New World Order, where some say Lucifer himself will appear. > I don't suppose that you will come upon "many" such quotes. If rather > suspect you are referring to the well-known hoax of Leo Taxil, in which he > attributes to Albert Pike words which he never said, in an attempt to > embarrass the Catholic Church, and make a few dollars while he was at it. > You may read Jim Tresner's article at: The quotes are to be found on the videos. > And your evidence that I don't listen to the promptings of the Lord about > it, are that I disagree with you. This is precisely why it is not > productive to discuss the "Lord" and the "Devil" at this point. It becomes > little more than spiritual chest-puffing, and is not helpful at arriving at > the facts. Spiritual chest puffing? Oh well if you see it that way then that is what you do. What you see in others is what you hate in yourself. > On the contrary. It is because my experiences in the past lead me to believe > that God and the Devil are often called upon to legitimize what cannot be > legitimized in any other way. At this point in our discussion, denouncing > Masonry as "Satanic" or "Luciferian" amounts to little more than > name-calling. Appeals to God similarly may be used to validate what the > evidence cannot support. You take insults or namecalling because that is the way you choose to take it. I have done neither nor was it my intention. > As I have said, while you are free to receive your own revelation to guide > your own behavior, I wouldn't expect that to guide the behavior of others, > unless they trust your prophetic insight -- or unless you provide real > "evidence" in which folks may place their faith. Always asking for a sign, proof, evidence. All things will be proven in due time, and there will be gnashing of teeth. > ___Todd J. Jumper___ > I will not leave the Lord out of any discussion because I am with him and > he is with me, if you want the Lord out of things then you should not any > longer speak with me because then you will have no part of me > as well. > ----- > > This is a shuck and jive, Todd. Present your evidence, and I fully suspect > that I will hear nothing that hasn't circulated through the anti-Masonry > mill for many years. With, of course, the sole exception of your personal > revelation (unsupported by even the slimmest of facts) that Willard Richards > shot Joseph Smith as a part of a greater Masonic conspiracy against the > Prophet. It's supported many times in church history you just choose to ignore them. Brigham Young actually told Willard to alter the records concerning the martydom a couple times and this can be found. I am not out to seek for physical evidence that this event occured. I was there. I saw it happen. How can I prove an event that happened in 1844, I can barely prove to you what I do in my daily life. An adulterous nation seeketh a sign. Always looking outward are you. All of this information is accesible to anyone. Go within, go to God and get access to the hall of records for yourself instead of seeking with your eyes for the eyes will deceive you. > THE ILLUMINATI DO NOT EXIST. REALLY. This message brought to you by the > Illuminati. This may seem as a joke to others. But to me I take it as deadly serious. There are lies all about and soon shall they be brought forth into the light. Enoch ject: Happy Solstice Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:10:24 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , "onandagus@webtv.net" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Ken Shaw , Enoch Shemna Know the mystery of the unbroken circle. Have a beautiful day! Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! http://www.proclus-realm.com/home.html -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Re: The Great Illuminated Handbasket Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 04:35:23 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: "Robert R. Black" , ArtdeHoyos@aol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, enoch144@eagle-net.org, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 ___JSW___ Yes, Washington disapproved of Illuminism. Apart from some idiots in the Grand Orient of France, so did everyone else. However, Illuminism was NOT Satanism -- it's distasteful aspects (Jacobinism, for instance) notwithstanding. ___Robert___ I thought that Washington WAS an Illuminist. Where did he disapprove of Illuminism. ----- Okay, okay, you've pushed me in the corner, and so I'm gonna spill the beans: the truth is Washington WASN'T opposed to Illuminism, because the Illuminati had the REAL Washington replaced with a double... get this... whose name was ADAM WEISHAUPT. Laugh not at the truth staring you blank in the face. Rather, let ME laugh at YOU. On a more serious note: Washington's anti-Illuminist remarks in some few of his letters seems to me more of a political expedient than anything else. ___Robert___ And what was so bad about Jacobinism. ----- Nothing -- except that it was a failed attempt to restore a long-since failed monarchy? ___Robert___ Was Martinism also bad? ----- Only if we are talking about the kind promoted by the late WALTER Martin. The OTHER Martinism is immensely interesting. ___Robert___ Adam Weishaupt taught that the kingdoms were bad and should be overthrown and republics established in their place. Was that bad? He taught that the religions of the would were corrupt. This is what Joseph Smith taught. Where is the evil in Illuminism? Ben Franklin and Thom Jefferson were Illuminists were they not? ----- I don't know about Franklin and Jefferson (Deists? Yes. Illuminists? Hmmm.) But it makes no difference: according to Enoch Shemna, we are likely going to hell in the same handbasket. Cheers, JSW Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:51:29 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: Enoch Shemna CC: shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com, RAZZ2017@aol.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ___JSW___ I am more than happy to discuss any relevant facts you care to present. ___Todd J. Jumper___ I have several videos and documents which I can in free time dub off for you but knowing your character and your disbelief The videos I am refering to can be found at http://www.freeworldalliance.com/videos.htm ___JSW___ Masonry is NOT a religion ___Todd J. Jumper___ I should just stop now because speaking the truth of things to you is like yelling at a brick wall which just echos my voice and yells back at me. ----- Rather, it seems the truth of the matter has yet to be demonstrated. I strongly suspect that in the end, the facts will not be in your favor. ___Todd J. Jumper___ I am not insulting or name calling but if you want to take it as such then go right ahead. I am only trying to show why I say the things I say and not cause a fight. ----- "You are a lackey of the devil; an unwitting dupe in a worldwide Luciferian conspiracy, responsible for murder and secret political machinations to promote its evil agenda. I am not insulting you or name-calling but if you want to take it as such go right ahead." :^) ___Todd J. Jumper___ I have run into just as many people who were masons and worked for the government who admitted it was a religion and luciferian and left, just as many people have shown me proof of this as you show all the proof of the goodness therein and testify of how much it has been a good choice in your life. ----- The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. If there is such good evidence for this, let's see it. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Whatsoever is good cometh from God, whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil therefore by this shall ye judge. ----- Indeed. Let's see the evidence. Make an argument. Present a case, so that we can judge. ___Todd J. Jumper___ As usual you take your pompous and extremely prideful attitude and make it into a big ruckus from a personal email. ----- A personal e-mail in which you accused me of being a dupe of Satan. That I am not amused by such nonsense can hardly be construed as "extremely prideful." Rather, it is standing up for my good name and character, which your baseless accusations have sullied. What you choose to call a "big ruckus" is me calling attention to a certain kind of bigotry in which my honor and integrity are called into question -- not for any personal act I have or have not done -- aside from my association with Freemasonry. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Your intention is not to prove your argument but do all you can to get others on your side to make the messanger look like a fool and an uninspired accuser and trouble maker in hope that they will either be banned or leave the list. ----- Unlike certain conspiring between friends on MAHONRI-L against me, I do not wish for you to be banned from the list, neither do I hope that you will go away. Rather, I think that your personal views deserve the widest possible hearing and the closest attention. I do not need to "prove" MY argument at all. It is only necessary for others to have a full and free hearing of the evidence you present and the conclusions you draw therefrom. I am fully persuaded that others can arrive at their own conclusions. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Like I said I am only going to supply what I have and that will be the end of it, the rest of you can make your own choice from their on. ----- You should know that I am not likely to plunk down $25.00 to hear a bunch of regurgitated antiMasonic stuff. Why pay Hilbert for stuff that I can get for free elsewhere on the net? Besides, it is clear from the short snippet in its teaser advertisment that "Lucifer 2000" relies upon the long-disproved Taxil hoax for its evidence that Masons worship Lucifer. The cover features a picture of Albert Pike, under which are the words attributed to him by Taxil: "Yes, Lucifer is God..." I have answered this myself in NG postings, and Art deHoyos' book (which I provide links to in my previous e-mail) also discusses it in som detail. I trust that others can review the evidence on both sides, and determine which end of the duck quacks and which poops. ___JSW___ I should mention that Masonry was initially and fundamentally a Christian institution, and those who choose to receive the degrees of York Rite Masonry DO take an oath to defend the Christian religion. ___Todd J. Jumper___ So does Clinton while at the same time murders everyone in WACO. ----- As a Libertarian and a Freemason, I am no fan of tyranny, whether it manifests on the left or on the right, or in the Church or synagogue. Your veiled accusation that Freemasonry sponsors such acts is a base lie. ___JSW___ Each of these claims must be evaluated carefully, as must the characters who make them. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Evaluate them yourself with the videos. ---- Why don't you present one or two of the salient arguments here, where list members can evaluate them without having to fork out a chunk of change to Mr. Hilbert for stuff of dubious worth. ___Todd J. Jumper___ As for other documents they will be post as time provides at www.freeworldalliance.com ----- As it is, there is little at the site but teasers to get fools to part with their hard-earned money. ___JSW___ Carlson, John Ankerberg, William Whalen and other such scroungers as your friend relies upon for his "evidence." Unlike your scrounger friend... ___Todd J. Jumper___ I didn't call names or insult your friends. ----- I am not insulting or name calling, but if you want to take it as such then go right ahead. I am only trying to show why I say the things I say and not cause a fight. ;^) ___JSW___ As for the claim that your friend can demonstrate that Masonry is "Luciferian," I would wonder what that might mean. Does he have evidence that the leaders of some Masonic bodies regularly meet with the Lord of Darkness himself, say, promptly at 4:00 pm every Thursday, for consultation on the next step in their Great and Illuminated Conspiracy to make all of mankind the ignorant but willing dupes of the Devil? ___Todd J. Jumper___ They are going to meet on New Year Eve 2000 at the great giza pyramid in Egypt and bring in the New World Order, where some say Lucifer himself will appear. ----- Oh! As a 32° Mason, and therefore according to the fake Pike quote, "in" on the Big Luciferian Secret, I'd better get my reservations in early for this one. I've no love of the Devil, but if he's making a personal appearance, then it might be worthwhile to be there to catch a glimpse of His Royal Badness. I'll be sure to take my camera in case it proves to be a real photo op. ___JSW___ I don't suppose that you will come upon "many" such quotes. I rather suspect you are referring to the well-known hoax of Leo Taxil, in which he attributes to Albert Pike words which he never said, in an attempt to embarrass the Catholic Church, and make a few dollars while ... at it. ___Todd J. Jumper___ The quotes are to be found on the videos. ----- Again, why bother, when you can find them for free elsewhere on the 'net? ___JSW___ An d yo ur evidence that I don't listen to the promptings of the Lord about it, are that I disagree with you. This is precisely why it is not productive to discuss the "Lord" and the "Devil" at this point. It becomes little more than spiritual chest-puffing, and is not helpful at arriving at the facts. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Spiritual chest puffing? Oh well if you see it that way then that is what you do. What you see in others is what you hate in yourself. ----- I refuse to be drawn into a spiritual "pissing match." If you have evidence you wish to present, then please do so. If you prefer to make veiled accusations that I am a dupe of Satan without the teensiest shred of evidence, then you must know I am not interested. I have opened this discussion to the entire list, to provide you with a platform to make your best case. It is your opportunity to demonstrate once and for all that I am a dupe of the Devil, a real Satanic wolf in Mormon sheep-clothing. Don't let such an invitation pass you by, Todd. ___JSW___ It is because my experiences in the past lead me to believe that God and the Devil are often called upon to legitimize what cannot be legitimized in any other way. At this point in our discussion, denouncing Masonry as "Satanic" or "Luciferian" amounts to little more than name-calling. Appeals to God similarly may be used to validate what the evidence cannot support. ___Todd J. Jumper___ You take insults or namecalling because that is the way you choose to take it. I have done neither nor was it my intention. ----- Your name-calling can be excused if you can back it up with facts. Apparently, you cannot. ___JSW___ As I have said, while you are free to receive your own revelation to guide your own behavior, I wouldn't expect that to guide the behavior of others, > unless they trust your prophetic insight -- or unless you provide real "evidence" in which folks may place their faith. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Always asking for a sign, proof, evidence. ----- No more than the scriptures require: "PROVE all things, hold fast to that which is good." And, "faith is the SUBSTANCE (Gk. ASSURANCE) of things hoped for, and the EVIDENCE (Gk. PROOF) of things not seen." Besides, you owe me a REASON for your accusation that I am a Satanic dupe. ___Todd J. Jumper___ All things will be proven in due time, and there will be gnashing of teeth. ----- I rather think that the truth is already evident for those with the eyes to see it. As the scripture says, "the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not." ___Todd J. Jumper___ I will not leave the Lord out of any discussion because I am with him and he is with me, if you want the Lord out of things then you should not any longer speak with me because then you will have no part of me as well. ___JSW___ This is a shuck and jive, Todd. Present your evidence, and I fully suspect that I will hear nothing that hasn't circulated through the anti-Masonry mill for many years. With, of course, the sole exception of your personal revelation (unsupported by even the slimmest of facts) that Willard Richards shot Joseph Smith as a part of a greater Masonic conspiracy against the Prophet. ___Todd J. Jumper___ It's supported many times in church history you just choose to ignore them. ----- Evidence, please. ___Todd J. Jumper___ Brigham Young actually told Willard to alter the records concerning the martydom a couple times and this can be found. ---- Evidence, please. ___Todd J. Jumper___ I am not out to seek for physical evidence that this event occured. ----- Of course not -- there is none! ___Todd J. Jumper___ An adulterous nation seeketh a sign. ----- "The prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail." ___Todd J. Jumper___ Always looking outward are you. ----- Whatever you say, Master Yoda. ___Todd J. Jumper___ There are lies all about and soon shall they be brought forth into the light. ---- I am counting on it, Todd! Regards, Joe Steve Swick III High Priest, Carnation Chapter #29, Royal Arch Masons See! See the darkness fly Before the sun of Masonry; Formed by heaven's almighty hand, Its base as firm as earth shall stand, Diffusing Light from East to West, And nations with its beams be blest. Arching ages round shall roll, Time the fate of man control, Still resplendant light shall stand, Its summit reared by Virtue's hand! Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 03:28:09 +0000 From: "Robert R. Black" To: Joe Steve Swick III , ArtdeHoyos@aol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, enoch144@eagle-net.org, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com References: 1 , 2 ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Steve Swick III >It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and >principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the >contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am... >----- >Yes, Washington disapproved of Illuminism. Apart from some idiots in the >Grand Orient of France, so did everyone else. However, Illuminism was NOT >Satanism -- it's distasteful aspects (Jacobinism, for instance) >notwithstanding. > >Regards, >JSW I thought that Washington WAS an Illuminist. Where did he disapprove of Illuminism. And what was so bad about Jacobinism. Was Martinism also bad? Adam Weishaupt taught that the kingdoms were bad and should be overthrown and republics established in their place. Was that bad? He taught that the religions of the would were corrupt. This is what Joseph Smith taught. Where is the evil in Illuminism? Ben Franklin and Thom Jefferson were Illuminists were they not? Robert. Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 04:05:19 +0000 From: "Robert R. Black" To: Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III CC: jswick@cris.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com, RAZZ2017@aol.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 Enoch, I visited your website and did not find the videos that you mention. There were ADS for videos. One of them said: 666 MARK OF THE BEAST This tape is fully documented with high-tech secular television footage proving the existence of the Illuminati's Plan to physically implant everyone living on the planet by the year 2000. $23.00 post-paid. Now, no one has visited me or my family to request that we receive implants. Nor have any of my friends. There is less than six months yet to go. Do you seriously want us to believe that this stuff is for real? And I certainly am not going to send him $23 for his improbable story. Unless the Illuminati is just a motley crew of inept nincompoops who do not know what they are doing. If such were the case they certainly need not be feared. Robert. ----- Original Message ----- From: Enoch Shemna To: Joe Steve Swick III Cc: Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 3:26 PM Subject: Re: Royal Arch Conferral > > I am more than happy to discuss any relevant facts you care to present. > > > > ___Todd J. Jumper___ > > I have several videos and documents which I can in free time dub off for > you > > but knowing your character and your disbelief > > The videos I am refering to can be found at > http://www.freeworldalliance.com/videos.htm > > > scripture), Masonry is NOT a religion in the generally accepted meaning of > > I should just stop now because speaking the truth of things to you is like > yelling at a brick wall which just echos my voice and yells back at me. I am > not insulting or name calling but if you want to take it as such then go > right ahead. I am only trying to show why I say the things I say and not > cause a fight. I have run into just as many people who were masons and > worked for the government who admitted it was a religion and luciferian and > left, just as many people have shown me proof of this as you show all the > proof of the goodness therein and testify of how much it has been a good > choice in your life. Whatsoever is good cometh from God, whatsoever is evil > cometh from the devil therefore by this shall ye judge. As usual you take > your pompous and extremely prideful attitude and make it into a big ruckus > from a personal email. Your intention is not to prove your argument but do > all you can to get others on your side to make the messanger look like a > fool and an uninspired accuser and trouble maker in hope that they will > either be banned or leave the list. Like I said I am only going to supply > what I have and that will be the end of it, the rest of you can make your > own choice from their on. > > > I should mention that Masonry was initially and fundamentally a Christian > > institution, and those who choose to receive the degrees of York Rite > > Masonry DO take an oath to defend the Christian religion. > > So does Clinton while at the same time murders everyone in WACO. > > > Each of these claims must be evaluated carefully, as must the characters > who > > Evaluate them yourself with the videos. As for other documents they will be > post as time provides at www.freeworldalliance.com > > > > Carlson, John Ankerberg, William Whalen and other such scroungers as your > > friend relies upon for his "evidence." Unlike your scrounger friend, who > is > > I didn't call names or insult your friends. > > > As for the claim that your friend can demonstrate that Masonry is > > "Luciferian," I would wonder what that might mean. Does he have evidence > > that the leaders of some Masonic bodies regularly meet with the Lord of > > Darkness himself, say, promptly at 4:00 pm every Thursday, for > consultation > > on the next step in their Great and Illuminated Conspiracy to make all of > > mankind the ignorant but willing dupes of the Devil? > > They are going to meet on New Year Eve 2000 at the great giza pyramid in > Egypt and bring in the New World Order, where some say Lucifer himself will > appear. > > > I don't suppose that you will come upon "many" such quotes. If rather > > suspect you are referring to the well-known hoax of Leo Taxil, in which he > > attributes to Albert Pike words which he never said, in an attempt to > > embarrass the Catholic Church, and make a few dollars while he was at it. > > You may read Jim Tresner's article at: > > The quotes are to be found on the videos. > > > > And your evidence that I don't listen to the promptings of the Lord about > > it, are that I disagree with you. This is precisely why it is not > > productive to discuss the "Lord" and the "Devil" at this point. It > becomes > > little more than spiritual chest-puffing, and is not helpful at arriving > at > > the facts. > > Spiritual chest puffing? Oh well if you see it that way then that is what > you do. What you see in others is what you hate in yourself. > > > On the contrary. It is because my experiences in the past lead me to > believe > > that God and the Devil are often called upon to legitimize what cannot be > > legitimized in any other way. At this point in our discussion, denouncing > > Masonry as "Satanic" or "Luciferian" amounts to little more than > > name-calling. Appeals to God similarly may be used to validate what the > > evidence cannot support. > > You take insults or namecalling because that is the way you choose to take > it. I have done neither nor was it my intention. > > > As I have said, while you are free to receive your own revelation to > guide > > your own behavior, I wouldn't expect that to guide the behavior of others, > > unless they trust your prophetic insight -- or unless you provide real > > "evidence" in which folks may place their faith. > > Always asking for a sign, proof, evidence. All things will be proven in due > time, and there will be gnashing of teeth. > > > > ___Todd J. Jumper___ > > I will not leave the Lord out of any discussion because I am with him and > > he is with me, if you want the Lord out of things then you should not any > > longer speak with me because then you will have no part of me > > as well. > > ----- > > > > This is a shuck and jive, Todd. Present your evidence, and I fully > suspect > > that I will hear nothing that hasn't circulated through the anti-Masonry > > mill for many years. With, of course, the sole exception of your personal > > revelation (unsupported by even the slimmest of facts) that Willard > Richards > > shot Joseph Smith as a part of a greater Masonic conspiracy against the > > Prophet. > > It's supported many times in church history you just choose to ignore them. > Brigham Young actually told Willard to alter the records concerning the > martydom a couple times and this can be found. I am not out to seek for > physical evidence that this event occured. I was there. I saw it happen. > How can I prove an event that happened in 1844, I can barely prove to you > what I do in my daily life. An adulterous nation seeketh a sign. Always > looking outward are you. All of this information is accesible to anyone. > Go within, go to God and get access to the hall of records for yourself > instead of seeking with your eyes for the eyes will deceive you. > > > > THE ILLUMINATI DO NOT EXIST. REALLY. This message brought to you by > the > > Illuminati. > > This may seem as a joke to others. But to me I take it as deadly serious. > There are lies all about and soon shall they be brought forth into the > light. > > Enoch > > Subject: Re: Royal Arch Implants Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 04:20:10 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: "Robert R. Black" , Enoch Shemna CC: shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com, RAZZ2017@aol.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ___Robert Black___ Now, no one has visited me or my family to request that we receive implants. Nor have any of my friends. There is less than six months yet to go. Do you seriously want us to believe that this stuff is for real? And I certainly am not going to send him $23 for his improbable story. Unless the Illuminati is just a motley crew of inept nincompoops who do not know what they are doing. If such were the case they certainly need not be feared. ----- Well, I hate to burst your bubble, Robert, but I am on the Grand Illuminated Steering Committee, and I want you to know that we are not the nincompoops you would have us be. We DO have a plan for the implanting of all of humanity during the next six months: nanytes in your drinking water. Never mind tha t EA RTH LY nanotechnology is not this far advanced. Remember, we work for the Lizard Gods of Sirius, who -- while preferring life in the sewers of Provo and Salt Lake City -- nevertheless have technology far beyond that of mortal men. Cheers, JSW +++ +++++ +++++++ VISIT the final resting place of all good Illuminati/ Alien/ Cthulhu/ Mormon/ Freemason/ K of C/ World Domination conspiracies and rants! Protection from the MOJO! FNORD http://www.teleport.com/~dkossy/ Subject: Re: Royal Arch Implants Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:18:09 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: Enoch Shemna CC: jswick@cris.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, rpcman@hotmail.com, proclus@mac.com, RAZZ2017@aol.com References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ----- Original Message ----- From: Enoch Shemna To: Joe Steve Swick III Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 6:16 AM Subject: Re: Royal Arch Implants > Joe Steve Prick, > > Now for a man of your degrees and honrable mentions, you are awful immature > to result to plain old making fun of things now. I will stay on this list > but have not time to waste with an asshole like you. Give me a break > already. I am usually spiritual and calm but you are not a very nice man at > all. > > Enoch > Wow, I'm a PRICK, an ASSHOLE, and not a nice man to boot! Actually, Todd, I'm a pretty nice guy. I'm SO nice, in fact, that I refuse to believe political and religious bigotry, particularly when it is unsupported by the faintest shred of evidence. I see no compelling evidence of a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. I also understand that this particular morsel of hate is the very rail that Masons and Jews both rode into Nazi death camps. I am also usually spiritual and calm, and I still feel so now. I assure you my use of humor is far preferable to becoming indignant over the unsubstantiated claims that I am a Masonic dupe, serving the Devil through the instrumentatlity of reptilian overlords. I suppose the reason I am not offended, is because I feel sympathy for you. You have been duped by the MERCHANDISERS, Todd. You know the Merchandisers: they are the ones who will not hesitate to tell you a really scary story, complete with horrible boogeyman -- for a price. And I'm not talking about the price of a $24.95 videotape, either. The price, it seems to me, is seen most keenly in the absence of a certain balance. As that Great Luciferian, Albert Pike noted: "True religion consists in the equilibrium of the two greatest pngts of God to man -- faith and reason." and, "The subtle human intellect can weave its mists over even the clearest vision." Warmest Regards, Joe Steve Swick III "Wisdom went forth to dwell among the sons of men, but she obtained not an habitation" (1 En. 42:2). "Men are great or small in stature as it pleases God; but their nature is great or small as it pleases themselves" (Albert Pike). Subject: new edition Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 15:29:13 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , "onandagus@webtv.net" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man Radical is in a new edition. The format is still a little in flux. Please pass on any suggestions or opinions. Also, we could use some more links for the sidebar. If you know of anything that is germain, please pass it on. I added the polygamy poll. You know the drill. Go hit the site and take the poll. ;-} Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus' realm! http://www.proclus-realm.com/ -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ Subject: My Policy Regarding "Incendiary E-Mail" Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 19:35:26 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: Enoch Shemna CC: proclus , Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , onandagus@webtv.net, "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ___Todd J. Jumper___ Again breaking list rules like you rudely did several times on Mahonri-L and Shulemna forwarding posts that are meant to be private oh well guess you dont learn do you. ----- At this point, I will refrain from saying anything that could be construed as uncharitable, Todd. And, in the interest of decorum on the list I will not respond to or quote the rest of your rather unkind posting. Rather, I will here address my personal policy regarding private e-mail flames, for your personal information, and for the benefit of the group. This is unfortunate: in the entire time I have been on the RM list, I have not felt the need to state this, because --you being the sole exception-- NO ONE has seen the need to send me private flames. Here is my personal policy: As a general rule, it is my custom not to forward, circulate, quote, or otherwise publish private e-mail correspondence without the knowledge and consent of the original sender, with ONLY ONE CAVEAT. ==> I will not tolerate "incendiary private e-mail," for any reason whatsoever -- not at any time, or from any person.<== Please exercise prudence if you intend on flaming me, for I will handle it in only one of two ways: 1) I will add you to my twit filter. I generally do this after one after a warning, but I may add you with no warning if you ruffle my feathers wrong. All mail thereafter is deposited in the trash unopened, and I save money on blood pressure meds. 2) At my discretion, I may choose to publish the letter on the forum from which it originated. Some folks find this infuriating when I do it, but as their letter was sent to privately taunt/ridicule/infuriate ME, I find it perfectly acceptable to publicly publish such. If you do not wish to be publicly embarassed in this manner, then make sure the wording of your post is something you don't mind owning on a public forum. And of course, the other clear (and clearly preferable) option is DONT SEND ME PRIVATE FLAME MAIL AT ALL. Now, you may disagree with how I choose to handle this, but I assure you that it has been most effective in reducing the amount of annoying mail I get, and has ensured my sanity. While I wish I could be everybody's friend, the truth of the matter is that some folks just don't like the look of my face, my brand of religion, my political philosophy, or my fraternal associations. They are welcome to their opinions, as long as they respect my wishes in not sending private flames. I simply do not have the time/bandwidth for such nonsense. I only add that until now, I have NEVER had a bad experience with any list members, even when they have sent mail to privately disagree with me on a point. I ask for your cooperation and understanding, and your continued excellent manners. Warmest Regards, Joe Steve Swick III "Education, Instruction, and Enlightenment are the only certain means by which Intolerance and Fanaticism can be rendered powerless" -- Albert Pike Subject: Re: enoch's request Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 18:30:17 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: proclus , Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , onandagus@webtv.net, "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man References: 1 , 2 , 3 ___Todd J. Jumper___ I will not tolerate Joe Swick and him forwarding personal emails to the list- ----- I have already apologized for forwarding your personal e-mail to the list; I do not apologize if the content of this private mail has embarassed you. Perhaps it would have been more charitable had I forewarned you that I generally do not accept incendiary private mails from members of a list or public NG. If it will smooth things over between us, I am quite happy to apologize for this misunderstanding. Quite frankly, I do believe that our list would be worse for your leaving, Todd. I encourage you to stay, even if it is just as a "lurker." However, it would be better if you felt free to participate here. You have much to contribute to this group, and you should not allow differences of opinion with ME to interfere with your participation on the RM list. ___Todd J. Jumper___ he did this to myself and several others back on old Mahonri-L and I had to leave there because of the contention he stirred up several times and brought out the worst in everyone likewise he did the same thing on Shulemna until about 20 people had to request to kick him off that list. ----- Well. Let's just say that my personal recollection of mahonri-l and shulemna is rather different than this, and leave it at that. ___Proclus___ I was on mahonri-l at that time as well, and would give a different version of the events. Joe came to mutantRM's as a mahonri-l exile, and we received him in perfect love and trust. ----- And I have appreciated the rather low-keyed approach here on RM, and the fine contributions of the assorted Mutants. I tend to listen much more than I contribute; it is often enjoyable to see other's enthusiasm over issues that I find equally fascinating, but have not investigated as deeply. Most notably, Ken Shaw's postings on his experiences in the Sufi way have been most enlightening. ___Todd J. Jumper___ My opinion is that he is not only a disinformation agent but a troublemaker who disrupts these lists. ___Proclus___ In my experience, Joe is a gentleman and a scholar. He is very demanding of those he would share his insights with. Maybe you should reconsider, take his remarks in good humor, and try to run the gauntlet a little. I'm sure that you would find it a very enlightening, and worthwhile experience indeed. ----- Proclus, your comments are very diplomatic, and much appreciated. To be fair to you Todd, I suspect that there are a few others here that deep in their heart of hearts also think that I am the Devil's Messenger. As long as your exchange with me on this matter is well-mannered and polite, I really do believe that it is beneficial for the entire list to have this kind of discussion. THAT is why I posted your message in the first place. I was actually HOPING that you would present some good material here: in fact, that is why we the list exists (to be ENTIRELY honest, I was secretly HOPING that Proclus or someone else would have made me explain one particular Pike quote regarding Lucifer from Morals and Dogma -- and I even provided page numbers to make the work easy! Oh, well). Todd, I knew your views on Freemasonry when we voted to add you. Frankly, I think having you here is the RIGHT thing -- both for the OTHER Mutants who can benefit from your unique perspective -- and for YOU, who can benefit from the unique perspectives of other Mutants (including me). Besides, if I am spreading disinformation here, then you have come to the right place: feel free to call me on the carpet for it. I trust other forum members are spiritual/intelligent/adult enough to know a fake when it is pointed out. As for "troublemaking" -- well, you'd have to talk to other list members about that. I don't think I've been much trouble at all, to be quite honest. ___Proclus___ It is my opinion that the host of eagle-net definitely belongs in this circle. I hope that I speak for the whole group in this matter. You bring unique insights to our group. ----- I absolutely agree. ___Todd J. Jumper___ In the past I have tried to warn you and others about him and Tim Rathbone and some others. But apparently people aren't listening. ----- Well, yes. Tim's a certifiable rascal; I suppose I am also. However, as Robert and others here well know, there is a very large difference between is in some very ... errr... FUNDAMENTAL ways. I don't know that you would need to WARN anyone about me, though. I pretty much mind my own business, much preferring "listening in" to "disrupting" or "spreading disinformation." ___Proclus___ I am happy to have you here. We don't have to agree about everything. ----- Well. On THAT we are also agreed! Regards, Joe Steve Swick III "The true Mason is he who each day strives to make some other man wiser and better, and who, for that purpose, constantly strives to become wiser and better" -- George Moore Subject: Re: enoch's request Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 21:22:46 -0600 From: Kerry Shirts To: proclus References: 1 , 2 , 3 For what it's worth, I have found both Joe and Enoch to be interesting and enlightening. Sorry to see there are bad feelings.......I will continue to post and be a smart alec as I can - GRIN! I just got back from a week in California (LA traffic flat sucks man) from the FAIR Conference. Kerry ----- Original Message ----- From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire ArtdeHoyos Beth any Dave Enoch Shemna Joe Steve Swick III Kathleen McGuire Ken Shaw Kerry Shirts Michael J. Pierce proclus R. Trent Reynolds Randall Shortridge Robert R. Black rpc man Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 2:30 PM Subject: Re: enoch's request > Enoch, I hope that you don't mind my forwarding your request to the > li st. I wou ld have to post a general request to have your name removed > anyway, and I expect that you will find the group more welcoming that it > appears. > > In the end, if you still wish to leave the list, please post your > request to the whole group, and we will accomodate you by removing you > from our mutant address books. That would be a sad day for me. > > Enoch Shemna wrote: > > > > Proclus, > > > > When I have information I feel the list may be interested in I will forward > > it but for now remove my address from the list- > > I am sorry to hear this. As you know, I am trying to create touchstones > for people of diverse interests in the Mormon community. I had hoped > that we could accomodate you despite our differences. > > > I will not tolerate Joe > > Swick and him forwarding personal emails to the list- he did this to myself > > and several others back on old Mahonri-L and I had to leave there because of > > the contention he stirred up several times and brought out the worst in > > everyone likewise he did the same thing on Shulemna until about 20 people > > had to request to kick him off that list. > > Well, I was on mahonri-l at that time as well, and would give a > different version of the events. Joe came to mutantRM's as a mahonri-l > exile, and we received him in perfect love and trust. > > > My opinion is that he is not only > > a disinformation agent but a troublemaker who disrupts these lists. > > In my experience, Joe is a gentleman and a scholar. He is very > demanding of those he would share his insights with. Maybe you should > reconsider, take his remarks in good humor, and try to run the gauntlet > a little. I'm sure that you would find it a very enlightening, and > worthwhile experience indeed. > > It is my opinion that the host of eagle-net definitely belongs in this > circle. I hope that I speak for the whole group in this matter. You > bring unique insights to our group. Let's heal the breach. > > > In the > > past I have tried to warn you and others about him and Tim Rathbone and some > > others. But apparently people aren't listening. > > Interestingly, Tim was blackballed when he tried to join this list. I > remember that it was due to his Shulemna exploits. Personally, I > maintained a private correspondence with him for quite a while > afterwards. He is a wealth of interesting information, and helped me to > shape my opinion regarding Adam-God. Nevertheless, I respected the > wishes of the circle, and I did not invite him in. No one blackballed > you, Enoch. I am happy to have you here. We don't have to agree about > everything. > > Regards, > proclus > > > Sincerely > > Enoch > > -- > Visit proclus' realm! http://www.proclus-realm.com/ > -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- > Version: 3.1 > GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ > V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- > r+++ y++++ > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ > Re: [Fwd: Apology] Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:47:23 -0700 From: Joe Steve Swick III To: proclus , Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Kathleen McGuire , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , onandagus@webtv.net, "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Ken Shaw , Enoch Shemna References: 1 Dear Todd: I have some work to do this morning, and will not be able to fully reply to your mail below until tonight. Until then, I wished you to know that I am very glad you have chosen to remain on the list. I certainly hold no ill will towards you, and look forward to your contributions here. And of course, I am quite sorry if my sometimes cynical and biting approach contributed to any feelings of bitterness and animosity you may have been feeling. I assure you that such was not my intention. As for intentions, Todd, I trust that yours are the best. Warmest Regards, Joe Steve Swick III HP, Carnation Chapter No. 29 RAM "It is from the mutual action and re-action of antagonistic forces, that harmony, everywhere in the universe, results" -- Albert Pike ----- Original Message ----- From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire ArtdeHoyos Beth any Dave Joe Steve Swick III Kathleen McGuire Kerry Shirts Michael J. Pierce proclus R. Trent Reynolds Randall Shortridge Robert R. Black rpc man Ken Shaw Enoch Shemna Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:13 AM Subject: [Fwd: Apology] > Subject: [Fwd: Apology] Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 12:13:50 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , "onandagus@webtv.net" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man , Ken Shaw , Enoch Shemna Subject: Apology Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:49:03 -0400 From: Enoch Shemna To: Joe Steve Swick III , 'proclus' **Please Forward to List as I have lost my members list** Dear Joe and Proclus, I would mostly like to apologize to Joe but feel it is appropriate to Proclus as well. I have misjudged you Joe and under the heat of me slamming your lifestyle and beliefs you have returned a spirit of acceptance and love even though anger and saracasm was your first reaction which I can not blame you for. I am asking your forgiveness if I have hurt your feelings or got any facts wrong about you or what has happened in the past. It is unlike me to lash out like that, and really probably don't have a good excuse for doing so, and I though I do feel some of my intentions were correct, I have sat back and pondered and reread my posts and it was not done with the same spirit of love and acceptance that you reflected in return, and I am ashamed of that. Lately I have been under much stress working for a client of mine who's website is www.freeworldalliance.com. He has had me watching all his videos and there is indeed good eye-opening material in there but a lot of it is depressing and dark in nature and "exposing the conspiracy" I guess had built up so much negative energy in me that I basically just took it out on Joe which was wrong, he was just an avenue to help me get rid of my anger towards the corruptness I have found in the government and their secret societies. I also guess part of it is that I am cooped up in a house most of the day working and watching kids so I am used to having to discipline when I feel something is wrong. But I need to sit back and relax now and meditate and ask for the light of Christ to clean all this bad vibes from me. I am a very sensitive person and also somewhat psychic/medium in nature. I easily absorb whatever energies are around me, if I would walk into a crowded store I can feel everyones depressive natures and it drives me nuts, on the other hand if I edify myself with uplifting conversation or reading or music I become extremely in tune with the spirit so much that the veil becomes very thin. Everything I claim to have seen and experienced is true though some of the things I claim even myself about 6 years ago would have thought were crazy, and though a lot of my personal experiences can not be backed up with physical evidence I know they are true just as much as I know I am sitting here typing this now. As for outside sources duping me into believing their theories about the masonic order, I can take it as a possibility since I now see my mind wasn't as focused on the whole picture as it should be. People in general out there are good, and my research into all these groups and the things that people in high power are doing wrong clouded my mind to the point where I hated the whole thing instead of just part of it. Your recent posts help me realize this and I immediately felt the spirit and knew that I had been wrong in my approach and offer my heart and friendship out to you fully and a chance to start over fresh and hope that we can each benefit from each other's wisdom. Peace be unto you Sincerely Enoch Subject: Re: [Fwd: Apology] Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:50:16 -0400 (EDT) From: ArtdeHoyos@aol.com To: jswick@cris.com, proclus@mac.com, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com, enoch144@eagle-net.org Hail fellow Mutants, I admire Joe Steve Swick's sincerity in apologizing to Todd, but have to say that, considering the crass, dishonest anti-Masonic statements Todd made (whether public or private), I think Todd's getting a bargain. I used to be surprised that people who seem intelligent continue to spread the ridiculous "Lucifer is God" forgery as if it were true (when it was exposed as a fraud 100 years ago), but I've come to realize that gullibility has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather everything to do with having a critical faculty. It's almost amusing that some uninformed people fear that we Masons want to run the world; the truth is, we can't even agree on what color to paint our lodge rooms, or what desert to serve after supper. The remarks which follow do NOT refer to Todd, but to anti-Masons in general. Anti-Masons, anti-Jews, anti-Blacks, anti-Gays, anti-Mormons, anti-F-I-Bs (fill-in-the-blank) are welcome to believe anything they want, and they can always find a convenient scapegoat for the world's problems. However, if their writings become publicly exposed they should logically feel no more anger than the group whose alleged "secret teachings" they are fond of "exposing." To me, it seems hypocritical that an anti-Mason is allowed to throw around wild accusations and quote supposed "secret teachings," and then cry "foul" when his authentic words are exposed. Anti-Masons, such a Hitler, Franco and Khomeni have been pleased to use any lie necessary to spread their "good news." As for me, I'm content to stand with my fellow Masons, including Washington, Franklin, and yes...even Joseph Smith. ---Art deHoyos, 32°, KCCH, KYCH "Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry?" Find out: -- http://members.aol.com/adehoyos/chap1.htm ICQ: 8959739 -- AOL Instant Messenger: artdehoyos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Past Master and endowed life member, McAllen Lodge No. 1110, AF&AM of Texas; * Past Presiding Officer of all York Rite Bodies (Hidalgo York Rite Bodies), McAllen, Texas; * Grand Historian and Grand Archivist, Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction; * Member of the Resource Team, Ritual Committee, Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction; * Member of the Board of Directors and life member, Scottish Rite Research Society; * Grand Archivist; first recipient, Knight Grand Cross, Grand College of Rites, USA; * Ambassador-at-Large, San Antonio, TX, Valley, AASR; * Class Director, Santa Fe, NM, Valley, AASR; * Prelate, South Texas Conclave, Corpus Christi, TX, Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders; * Societatis Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis; * Allied Masonic Degrees; * York Rite College; * Royal Order of Scotland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: Re: [Fwd: Apology] Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 21:13:40 -0400 From: Enoch Shemna To: ArtdeHoyos@aol.com, jswick@cris.com, proclus@mac.com, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com References: 1 > I used to be surprised that people who seem intelligent continue to spread > the ridiculous "Lucifer is God" forgery as if it were true (when it was > exposed as a fraud 100 years ago), but I've come to realize that gullibility > has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather everything to do with having > a critical faculty. This is confusing because just as many people who have told me its a hoax there have been just as many people who claim to have proof Albert Pike not only said it but beleived it. In Albert Pike's own book he says Masonry is a religion and lucifer is a great being but that can be in various contexes depending on which way you look at it. Is it a matter of gullibility really? Just as many people say the Book of Mormon is a hoax as there are who say its completely true when there isn't much physical evidence of that. I would like to bring to this list or either Joe and Art some quotes that Anthony J. Hilder blasts all over his material justifying his reasons for saying they are true. I will then ask him where he got his sources and make up my mind from there. One thing he told me is that Albert Pike started the Ku Klux Klan? Is that correct? KKK is part of a draconian language some people say and those who have met with draconians. Check out www.wiolawa.com I am just throwing some things in- not saying any of this is my own beliefs. Enoch Subject: Re: [Fwd: Apology] Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 21:18:38 -0400 From: Enoch Shemna To: Enoch Shemna , ArtdeHoyos@aol.com, jswick@cris.com, proclus@mac.com, MCGUIREA@a1.bellhow.com, ariel144@hotmail.com, comdb@yahoo.com, kathleen@enol.com, shirtail@cyberhighway.net, mpierce@switchsoft.com, onandagus@webtv.net, trent@goodnet.com, rds@acsu.buffalo.edu, black@accex.net, rpcman@hotmail.com, kshaw@dalsemi.com Check out this I found on the Albert Pike website... interesting eh. http://www.albertpikedemolay.org/alien/warning.html Enoch Subject: green sash Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 21:24:58 -0400 From: proclus To: Andy Mcguire , ArtdeHoyos , Beth any , Dave , Enoch Shemna , Joe Steve Swick III , Kathleen McGuire , Ken Shaw , Kerry Shirts , "Michael J. Pierce" , "onandagus@webtv.net" , proclus , "R. Trent Reynolds" , Randall Shortridge , "Robert R. Black" , rpc man Thanks for that interesting link to the masonic southern jurisdiction and temple in Washington. I particularly enjoyed the regalia of the scottish rite degrees. Of course, I was looking for a green sash. Gawain is my hobby, you know. In this regard, the regalia of the 15th degree is particularly interesting. The green on red is a motif throughout Gawain's story. Stiking how this is the first degree with the title of knight. =} Here's the link again, for those who want it, and a link right to the regalia as well. Fascinating stuff. http://www.srmason-sj.org/index.html http://www.srmason-sj.org/council/temple/regalia.htm Andy may appreciate that I was also intrigued by the 23rd degree, Chief of the tabernacle. Chapel Perilous awaits us. The 28th Degree Knight of the Sun, Prince Adept regalia was also intriguing in light of the stellar initiation material we have discussed from the the Golden Dawn and others. I imagine that it harks back to the blue lodge degrees as well. The mind races ahead to the flaxen cord of the BOM and the Starhawk's binding rituals as well. It appears that there is an invisible link between us and our home among the stars. Heh, I'll stop for now, before my mind races too far ;-}. Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus' realm! http://www.proclus-realm.com/ -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s:+ a C++++ UULI++$ P L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-@ b !DI D- G e++>++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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