There be GNU-TISTAS here
It's war. General Patton is a fitting symbol.
Join the GNU-Darwin distribution at
This page is getting quite old, but I'm keeping it around for archival purposes. If you are interested in current Darwin software, check out check out GNU-Darwin. I have included additional links at the bottom to bring the user current.
Mozilla build instructions a work in progress
I have to stop Mozilla development for now, because my iBook needs a memory upgrade. Meanwhile, I have learned a few things and I share them here.
For now, DILLO is a gtk-based browser.
Here is the port.
X11 apps
DILLO is a gtk-based web browser.
Here is the port.
works! Here you will find the source code and compiled ppc binaries. ldlib is included as well. It is small, so I just compiled it in.
Here is a screenshot from my
iBook. is a GNUstep login manager.
Here is a screenshot,
and here is the homepage.
BTW, is themeable!
I'm using it as my default login manager. I'll post instructions soon.
Here is
RXVT hot off of cvs from
SourceForge. RXVT is smaller and faster than Xterm. Plus, it has nice configuration options like transparency and xpm support. It also has a user configurable menu system which is simply cool!
Music Tools
GTK-gnutella ppc binary.
bladeenc ppc binary.
Color teminal fun!
Color ls binary compiled for ppc
straight from GNU fileutils
(chmod 755 ls; ./ls --color).
this file, and 'cat thelogo'.
Scientific interest
Rasmol for molecular
Edwin Zacharias has ported POV-ray to Darwin.
Check here for MOLMOL, f2c and more!
These links are getting a little dated, but the GNU-Darwin Science page has current links at the top.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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